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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. johnny5

    2 10" Qs on Sundown 1500d

    a smaller amp for 2 of them?! I plan to run the subs sealed. I listen to proly 25% rock and 75% rap. I am thinking about try out bass racing.
  2. johnny5

    fi decals

    any word from fi? you said you emailed them to make a deal.
  3. johnny5

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    yes i know it proly wouldnt be alot... but am thinking about doing alot and it adds up. just nice to know
  4. johnny5

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    what is the displacement on these subs?
  5. johnny5

    SI Bm 10s (re-coned With New Parts)

    what is the VC configuration and mounting depth?
  6. johnny5

    SAX-50.4 Pre-Order

    are these going to have 50.4 badging on them? I know the one in the pic dont...just wondering if thats b/c it was a prototype. i guess it dont really matter just wondering.
  7. johnny5

    From: SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    i just bought a 100.2 from db-r stating they do!?
  8. 1) New style heat-sink 2) Updated crossovers - not like these, but still very flexible 3) Upgraded power supply FETs 4) Part number change to SAX-125.2 (it really is ridiculously underrated so we adjusted the part # a bit) The 100.2 that are currently for sale have the new heat-sink design right? I have seen it advertised that they have them in stock w/ new heat-sink or is that a type-o?
  9. johnny5

    SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    what are you revising to the 100.2? just crossover like the 100.4?