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About johnny5

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  1. johnny5

    ssd motor universal?

    Hi, I am thinking of getting an SSD motor used and reconing it. I was wanting to know if they are a universal motor and could put either a d2 or d1 recone on it, or am I stuck with what ever impedance that came on the ssd when it was 1st made. thanks
  2. johnny5

    Brand New 2011 SSD Making Funny Noise

    if it turely is a defect, then i feel they should eat all shipping cost involved with the return!
  3. johnny5

    Sundown Amp Endcaps?

    they sure would be nice
  4. johnny5

    SA-8 Prototype Is Here !

    Hey Jake, could you run a test with your pair giving them the recomended 400 RMS each and with the recomended tuning. Just wanna get a rought idea what they can do with your recomended enclouser size and tune.
  5. johnny5

    SA-8 Prototype Is Here !

    what kind of mounting depth you think it will have
  6. johnny5

    Sundown Reviews [Send them In!]

    I have that combo, and you should be pleased! I have nothing but great stuff to say about sundown and DB-r. I bought my 1500d from db-r and the shipping was fast and product worked great. I got may 50.4 and e8's from jacob during pre-sale. I have to admit tho, at first I was a little nervous about a pre-order for a non "mainstream" company; however, I heard many positive feedback, he was active on many forums, and most important he has GREAT communication. HE will answer every little pm or email that time allows for. The combo of all this made me feel good about ordering from him. Man am I glad. His amps look awsome. Everything seems just right in size, nothing over the top (i.e. huge ugly heatsinks ect.) I love the how you can unbolt the middle badge and flip it around. Now what i wish was: On the flip-able badge thingy- I think that is where the modle # should go, not just the Sundown name. That way everything would read right, and you would not have a modle number upside down. Wish there was a 5 channel SD amp. I know it cant happen b/c of the size it would be, so I will leave it at there lol It would be cool if there was some sort of end caps to help neaten up the install, or a bridging ccover plate to make 2 amps look like 1. Thats all I have. I love Sundown products. Keep it up!
  7. johnny5

    Sundown e8s

    what kind of VC configuration are you going to have on these new 8's?
  8. johnny5

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale Poll

    how many people would be enough?
  9. johnny5

    10" SSD Grilles

    so these type of grills have been used on these types of subs and do allow for enough room for the clearence of the subs movement? I have been thinking about using these for my ssd's.
  10. johnny5


    Is this battery still for sale? I dont see it on PMs website, nor do I see it on any of the online dealers websites. If it is still produced, does it come with the i-BAR system, or is that an extra add on part? If so how much does it cost? And will it fit any other PM battery?
  11. johnny5

    My SAX-125.2 amp came in!

    bonner achieved!
  12. johnny5

    BLOW OUT on 12" Nightshades

    about how many you have left?
  13. johnny5

    Pre-Order Updates

    how about a pic of 6.5 tons of amps...you know to flap too. cant wait for my E8s and 50.4
  14. johnny5

    Pre-Order Updates

    How are you planing on shipping to the people that bought both an amp and subs since they are coming in on different days? Separate, one on Monday, one on Tuesday? Or together, both on Tuesday?
  15. johnny5

    SI Bm 10s (re-coned With New Parts)

    Don't have to - what cap do you want ? well shoot, what kind of choices we have? lol