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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    CarPC help

    In software... The whole point of a CarPC is that the PC is going to be a much more upgradeable and flexible platform for audio processing than traditional line-level audio components. If all you're looking for is a big hard drive to put stuff on, this is not the right choice for you. Get the biggest Ipod you can and an adapter cable in that case.
  2. JimJ

    CarPC help

    If you wanted to, you could connect the amps directly to the sound card outputs, there are ways to both EQ and have crossover functions that are entirely digital.
  3. JimJ

    CarPC help

    No, because the PC is going to have a ton more flexibility than the head unit ever will, and I'm not really sure why you're keeping a head unit when you're going to be putting in a carPC...the whole idea is to replace the head unit with something else
  4. JimJ

    Mechanical and Thermal Video

    I thought the choice of a TB was funny too I think that noise in the background is their bullshit generator
  5. JimJ

    Fi Q15 Enclosure Halp!

    Whether or not ported would be better for you depends on the kind of music you listen to...
  6. JimJ

    CarPC help

    There are 1/8" stereo to RCA adapters Pretty cheap at PE or Guitar Center...
  7. JimJ

    CarPC help

    The Creative Audigy 2NX I'm looking at right now does it
  8. JimJ

    CarPC help

    A good sound card will give you sub/front/rear outputs.
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can get it to work, it's just trying to find a configuration that does what I want it to do is tough What I'd really like to do is talk to someone who knows how to use touch screen drivers and such, find a touch-capable monitor and do something like this: http://www.sooloos.com/www/index.html
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oops, I would, yeah
  12. JimJ

    4 12's vs 2 15's

    I'd go with the cone area.
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree. Although heck, if there's ever a 200GB Ipod Touch out there, that would make a pretty good source even for home use. Kind of like a Squeezebox, except I can make calls with it too
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You can download something called Rockbox (might be spelled differently, not sure) that makes Ipods FLAC-capable. However, don't expect it to hold anywhere near as much as it did with MP3s - albums in FLAC generally are around 300MB per album.
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    woo woo woo woo
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Could be they're just reporting crime more now.
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Since Dave was curious: http://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/vt.mpl?f=cables&m=135616 Fuck it, I'm going to campus in a bit. Even since 2004, this place has been getting weird.
  18. JimJ

    3 subs off 1 amp?

    Why not put the woofers on top and the port going across the bottom, or vice versa?
  19. JimJ

    Happy Birthday Neil!

    Happy birthday Damn, I'm older than you?
  20. It depends. The big advantages of kickpanels are that you can reduce path length differences between drivers (the distance between your ear and the speaker), and bring them closer to being on-axis than a door installation might. Why they might not be perfect for everyone is that some midbasses require more space than you might be able to get out of a kickpod, so infinite baffle mounting in the door is pretty much it. Or that in some cars, mounting the tweet in the kicks brings the soundstage too far down. But I've heard some vehicles where the stage was perfect in height with tweets down there, so it all depends... Ideally, if you're working with in-door mounting you can also seal up any big holes that might be in the panel - plexi or Lexan works well to cover up gaping holes that would kill midbass response, then you just deaden over that.
  21. JimJ

    How much do I need?

    Spectrum can be easier to apply to irregular surfaces, mat goes on smoothly when you're dealing with large flat panels but in tight spots or oddly shaped areas you might find that spraying Spectrum is easier... They both have their uses
  22. Heck, Dave's running an MS1000, Sundown 100.2, and Sundown 1500D off of one run of Kicker 1/0 from the battery in the front, but then again none of those amps are being taxed especially hard. I would start with a run of 1/0...
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What would be great is to find a Foobar config that works just like Albumplayer, except without the annoying way Albumplayer fucks up tagging.
  25. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd lurk on Hydrogen Audio for a little bit...there's FofR's Fooblog, some of that stuff is pretty memory intensive though. Anything that runs off of PanelsUI is a resource hog I've found.