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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Will $250 get me something that'll support my amps?
  2. JimJ

    Propolusion Choice of the future

    True, but just because we can, does it mean we should? I guess it depends on the technology, I'd be all for more offshore wind farms that some people are opposed to, but drilling in national wildlife refuges is a little meh... The crisis is that the old business model is basically holding us hostage to a corporate system that's going to keep charging and charging us. If large amounts of people broke off from that, we'd have some very interesting results... This isn't related to vehicles per say, but the cost of energy in general is making a lot of renewables suddenly very affordable. The last time I was at my folks' place, we spec'ed out a recirculating solar hot water system, at current propane rates ($3.50/gal) it'd pay for itself in five years. And that's only going to get better.
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Going to a speaker-presentation type thing in a few hours... The last time I went to one of these I was way overdressed compared to everyone else, this time I'm saying fuck it and going in jeans. And watch, I'll be totally out of place.
  4. JimJ

    Fi car audio

    Which ID model? Not really useful to just compare companies like that... I have to say, the IDW is sweet
  5. JimJ

    Double 3/4" mdf?

    I tripled baffled my 6.5" enclosures They're quite acoustically dead, now
  6. It's your lack of midbass...as we said in the last thread
  7. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=14797
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I remember talking to this girl next to me before it started...she had mentioned she had taken it once before... "Oh, what'd you get the first time?" "...800" Mmmhmmm...
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I took it before they added the writing section...think I got a 1350 or something like that combined, so not great, but the language sections were laughably easy and I didn't care enough on the math sections to really try A writing section would have been nice
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was in private schools from 5th grade until I graduated, so I avoided most of that The SAT was about it. And that was a joke.
  11. JimJ

    15" icon boxes

    I think infinite baffle it does great
  12. JimJ

    Wrecked my car, now I need a new system

    By a "system" do you mean the entire system, or just part of it You didn't mention anything about a front stage, is that important to you or not?
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    go bring him a turbin I don't personally care for a lot of Obama's ideas, but I thought that whole issue was stupid. Who really gives a flying fuck what religion our president is? I'd vote for a Muslim in a heartbeat if he/she had some sensible ideas and sounded like someone who'd do a good job. In fact, with the countries the West has had a habit of pissing off the last couple centuries, having someone who might have been exposed to a different world view could be a very good thing.
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's part of the reason why I don't drive to campus anymore. The other is that I can't even fill up my tank at once anymore You know things are getting bad when you have to stop, re-swipe the card and start the pump again because it's programmed to stop at $75...
  15. JimJ

    Propolusion Choice of the future

    They're kicking our ass in both sugar and oranges
  16. JimJ

    Propolusion Choice of the future

    A pure EV can be useful for something. Take someone who's just driving around town or commuting a short distance every day. An under-50 mile round trip can easily be done in an EV, and could be charged by a renewable source to offset the waste in the power grid. The biggest problem right now is the lifespan of the batteries, but that'll improve...right now, even heavy SLA's will last longer than most people keep their cars Ultimately, I think veggie oil/other biologically derived fuels are going to be the future. Actually, it seems like this is one time where America's gluttonous habits could come in handy - the fast food industry is a huge producer of exactly the fuel we need
  17. JimJ

    Q vs. anything

    The price of a new Mag is significantly less than they were before, and the performance is better
  18. JimJ

    Upgrade options?

  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Around here that would have been a $40 ticket if you're lucky, tow if you're not
  20. JimJ

    song that plays 30hz for 30+seconds

    Not allowed in the rules
  21. JimJ

    Need some ideas...

    What have you heard that you liked? Any particular reason for going with 6x9's? Going with a 7" midbass would give you more options
  22. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Waking up at 2pm = bad
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There are some very scary people out there
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy shit... http://www.boingboing.net/2008/04/08/ill-r...nique-davi.html
  25. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy shit, this wood filler came out nice on pine. Still not sure what I'm going to use on the Sandeply. A light oak stain came out too yellowy on the test pieces I was doing, maybe Danish oil would be darker...