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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I remember the first time I saw Windows 3.1 on a color screen...the first time I saw Windows, my dad had an IBM Thinkpad with a monochrome screen, the only thing I had used before was DOS on a PC Jr... And now kids are getting cell phones in elementary school
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I really need to do that, almost out of space here Hopefully next spring...
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ~3 days since I've had any sodas...just water, milk, OJ... Don't think I can go completely cold turkey, but it's a lot better than where I was...
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    don't you have to be 40 to be Pres? IIRC 35, so I didn't make the cut this year. And HEY arseho, I won't be 40 in 4 years. teehee
  5. JimJ

    Sealed box, Common or separate chambers?

    When did stereophonic sound come around, again? Cancellation's not a problem. Otherwise people who build line arrays would be screwed
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not bad looking
  7. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I thought that was a given since he was running as a Democrat Party affiliation isn't what it used to be. The stereotypes for the two big parties don't always apply. But the Democrats knew what they were doing. Put in a black man and say he'll change everything from what Bush is doing. That's all he would have had to say. He'd get 15% of the vote just from that from all the ignorant people who knew nothing about either candidate but still had to make sure to vote, plus the 45% that the Democratic party would have gotten anyway. I think the "just go vote" mentality that all the national groups, celebrities, sports stars, etc. are telling people is misguiding. They need to change it to "Go learn about the candidates so that your vote is not in ignorance." Too many people these days vote solely on how charismatic a candidate is. Politics are about POLICIES, not smooth talking you at a cocktail party. I think that the 200+ year old terms, democrat and republican, need to be rethought. FYI, the "Republican" party had only been around for ~140 years. but yes, they are getting quite stale. Southern slave owners were only around 140 years ago? Are you sure about that You do know that the slave owners were by and large Democrats, the Republicans were the young, upstart radicals from the North
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So what you're saying is, California actually passed a law against making an ass of yourself? You should have all the freedom you want to put your foot in your mouth.
  9. JimJ

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not with that, since you're from Montreal you get some slack, but still...JFK was kind of well-known
  10. I don't think you'd be making a bad decision with the Q, but have you looked into the W6v2?
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :thankyou: You guys have some interesting politics up there...Ventura, Franken actually having a chance, and that blowhard Michelle Bachmann...
  12. JimJ

    Song for bass race?

    Totally depends on where your vehicle peaks...
  13. How much do you have to spend? Tons of good 4-channels out there...
  14. JimJ


    Because it's a .JPG
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :sadwavey: :sadwavey: :sadwavey: Wow, didn't even know he had cancer.
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah two totally corrupt approaches passed here in Maryland; early voting and slots. Very scary, it looks to be that everything I voted for or against did not win or pass. Which means my small, educated, middle class tax paying family in the state of MD is not represented at all, period. I'm just curious, what's particularly wrong with early voting? I think if you're going to allow people to vote absentee and mail their vote in early, I don't see the difference between that and going in person to do it. Nothing wrong with early voting, it is the way in which the totally democrat controlled state government is going about it. Opens us up tremendously to voter fraud much like what occurred in Ohio and Illinois. Now that makes a lot more sense I couldn't believe it, my county in NC went Democratic by a large margin, the state hasn't been called yet, though...which doesn't surprise me, everything else is done slow as balls, why should the election be any different
  17. JimJ

    second 1200.1?

    Significantly? No.
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah two totally corrupt approaches passed here in Maryland; early voting and slots. Very scary, it looks to be that everything I voted for or against did not win or pass. Which means my small, educated, middle class tax paying family in the state of MD is not represented at all, period. I'm just curious, what's particularly wrong with early voting? I think if you're going to allow people to vote absentee and mail their vote in early, I don't see the difference between that and going in person to do it.
  19. JimJ


    Now we can just hope Palin does something useful with her time... Like porn...
  20. JimJ


    King Hussein of Jordan, one of the most freethinking leaders in the Middle East the last half of the 20th century? Names are names...nothing more. I have a feeling that if Obama does anything really stupid, like repeal concealed carry laws, people aren't going to be afraid to really raise a stink about it. And I would hope that any administration that realizes it had millions of individual donors and supporters also realizes that the support can vaporize quickly in these times. I don't think we're going to see major changes in social issues like that, he has to realize it's too touchy of a subject to approach no matter what his personal views are. Of course, I could be just too optimistic. but all that i said comes into play.. kind of weird if you think about it For someone that didn't understand term limits at the beginning of this thread, I think you're making conclusions not supported at this moment
  21. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No chit.... Tech fans have a reputation for tearing their own stadium up. That's a cool way to raise tuition... I'm pretty sure with the 8-10 times that #1/#2 got beat last year the field was never stormed. Storming the field is something chitty teams do when they know it will be impossible for them to achieve more, maybe their smarter than I thought? My city is home to the 8th biggest sports rivalry in the US, I attend one of the rival high schools. The rivalry started when my school was built and we started sharing the stadium with Idaho Falls High School and the winner of the game, called the Emotion Bowl, paints the goal posts their school colors, sadly they have been orange for the past 2 years, no blue this year 8th biggest? How are these ranked. Percentage of the cities population that goes to the game. Isn't that a bit skewed towards football and other sports played in monster arenas? By that logic, the Detroit Lions are in a larger rivalry than the Red Sox
  22. JimJ


    King Hussein of Jordan, one of the most freethinking leaders in the Middle East the last half of the 20th century? Names are names...nothing more. I have a feeling that if Obama does anything really stupid, like repeal concealed carry laws, people aren't going to be afraid to really raise a stink about it. And I would hope that any administration that realizes it had millions of individual donors and supporters also realizes that the support can vaporize quickly in these times. I don't think we're going to see major changes in social issues like that, he has to realize it's too touchy of a subject to approach no matter what his personal views are. Of course, I could be just too optimistic.
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Try to find a stage/pro sound type place near you? There's one near here that Ramos recommended to me when I had the Maggies and was thinking about recovering them...
  24. JimJ

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    Several members of my family are as well, I've thought the history behind it was interesting, especially as it relates to the founding of the US, but even though I'm not a member I've always thought the "conspiracy" bent was pretty laughable
  25. Indeed, I'd much rather have the W6v2, given a choice between the two.