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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    JL prowedge 12w7 vs fi bl 12"

    Thanks for saying what I was thinking
  2. JimJ

    in search of a groundpounder

    Didn't say that, just that I don't put the phrases "daily pounding", "groundpounder" and "accuracy" together, usually
  3. JimJ

    in search of a groundpounder

    Eh, not quite Since accuracy doesn't seem like it's too high on your priority list, and you aren't concerned about being placed in specific classes, I would get as much cone area as you can afford and can fit properly in your space. What specific drivers doesn't matter all that much, just get something that can take the amount of power you're planning on sending them...
  4. JimJ

    JL prowedge 12w7 vs fi bl 12"

    Punching someone in the face is a bit extreme, but courtesy is courtesy no matter who you are I don't follow anything Steve does so I don't know if he does that or not, but we're all held to the same standards of respect...I hope. To the OP, you're comparing apples and oranges.
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A chopper longer than the van, huge ape hangers and a tire wider than a 4x4?
  6. JimJ

    need a 2.1 setup for my room

    http://www.zaphaudio.com, amazingly enough.
  7. JimJ

    need a 2.1 setup for my room

    Craigslist, Audiogon and Ebay, mostly. ZaphAudio has a plan that uses Hi-Vi drivers (I think), in a wall-mountable cabinet. Won't be the be-all and end-all, but it'd sound a heck of a lot better than some "computer" speakers.
  8. JimJ

    need a 2.1 setup for my room

    ZaphAudio has some projects that are about the cheapest I'd recommend that have potential for decent sound...as for power, you can find '70s-vintage integrated amps for not a lot, and I'd put a lot more faith in something like that lasting, especially after a recapping, than the plastic mid-fi stuff made nowadays...something tells me you don't listen to a lot of broadcast radio, so a receiver isn't needed.
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did I interrupt a Canadian thing or something?
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not looking forward to studying tomorrow.
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Playing the email tag game with a couple Honda's out there. We'll see what works out, everybody's probably at the beach this weekend
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Eh, there's a time and a place for that. If someone's using a non-QWERTY phone, even I get frustrated typing out whole sentences on that. Or when I learned Morse, there's all sorts of ways to butcher the language and still get your point across, because comparatively 20wpm is still pretty damn slow. But on a computer, I don't see the point. I don't even type "properly", and I'm reasonably fast without sounding like I'm a hoodrat. *shrugs*
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yup, I was introduced to it from amateur radio use, it's almost always Zed because Zee and C are very hard to pick apart with weak signals, of course phonetics solves that entirely...
  14. JimJ

    JMLAB Focal Demo's

    If they're .WAV or lossless, I'd be interested
  15. JimJ

    Need some references..

    Fo millies freal, yo. All the oompa loompas know who's boss...
  16. I'll post more info tomorrow, I'm rather drunk at the moment so I'm not very useful
  17. I've been wondering about this. I bought a Dell server last year, so I'm fucked for universal socket parts and such, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make things quieter...the CPU fan is a big producer of noise in my system, and unfortunately is the only thing that's not easily replaceable with universal parts
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Likewise, polishing off the Glenlivet I didn't drink because the last field party got cancelled woohoo
  19. JimJ

    Pictures of Fi facility

  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dammit, I'm out of CA glue Trying to reinforce this little 1-cent plastic part on a 25-year old Panasonic stereo that snapped in two...ordinarily it'd be dumpster time but this thing is such a piece of the '80s it gets to live on
  21. JimJ

    surge + battery backup

    I've got the monoblocks and preamp running into a Monster rack mount surge protector. Although, if I'm home the whole thing is unplugged from the wall if we're getting really bad lightning. No need for a UPS, I'd like to see how many seconds it would last powering the amps anyway
  22. JimJ

    sub on 400-500 watts

    I've only heard the Icon in an IB setup, and I don't think I could pick a clear favorite out of the two in that situation. I don't know what it sounds like in a smaller sealed enclosure, so I don't know if I have a favorite between the two in that. However, the Mag does have some advantages over the Icon, such as smaller mounting depth, that may factor into the installation. Or not.
  23. JimJ

    Using Router

    And never, ever, ever cut rings the way Ramos does Although he does amazing work...believe it
  24. JimJ

    sub on 400-500 watts

    The new SI Mag would be my recommendation, for that budget it's one of the best drivers I've heard so far...
  25. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Checked out the CB750C today, didn't end up buying as it really wasn't in the kind of shape that would make $1200 worth it. Back to looking at '70s SOHC's, methinks