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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tsunami contracted to Value Electronics, IIRC...but I'm probably wrong about that.
  2. JimJ

    Monica Jackson

    Too bad she's going to have major back problems in 15 or 20 years...
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Currently an unemployed bum, but have an interview coming up this Friday with a data storage firm...great, lots of time before I go back to school in August Oh well, at least it'll be something for next year...
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He's still there, AFAIK.
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to get lunch soon... probably settle for Wendy's or some crap like that. Need to go to teh bank as well.
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the children, most likely...
  7. JimJ

    Monica Jackson

    She's a cute one, that one is
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Afternoon, y'all.
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh, how I disagree Dated one for a while...
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    speak no more! nein! I need to see it...
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://forums.caraudio.com/vb/showthread.p...d=1#post1040544 I love when the n00bs bite... teh redhead in the preview looks hawt. I have a thing for them...
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    grab my haaaand
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There's baseball...although the RSox have been sucking ballz lately...going 3-4 against the Yanks, trailing to TB last night, I didn't even see the end of the game.
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's mine...and I'm not sharing.
  15. JimJ

    Lets try this here...

    you know how i roll
  16. JimJ

    Lets try this here...

    Yeah, and we Econoline owners get together on the weekends and bash Vanagon and Westphalia drivers, those punks. Astro owners had better watch out too. In fact, I smoked one coming out of the plumbing supply shop a few days ago. Or was that in front of the paint store?
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    never mind me, i'm just wh0ring through
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :twiddles thumbs:
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Kent, I wasn't referring to you at all Although...I'm scared to even halfway comprehend what you said in reply...
  20. JimJ

    Looks like a good forum

    It has its moments Mostly, we just kick back, shoot the chit and have some stimulating discussions every now and then. Welcome aboard, tadpole.
  21. You didn't list me...you're lucky I don't have mod powers on here j/k. I'll echo Aaron's (Denim) words on the subject...I try not to let any of that chit bother me, or get personal. It's simply not worth it. On there, as I do in real life, I judge people based on their level of awareness/ignorance. I know a lot of stupid people of all colors, and I don't care if you're green and have eight little purple eyes...if you say or do something dumb, you're worthy of any that I might dish out...
  22. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    when i ask someone for a service/product, and have them push something completely different on me, something that completely won't fit my situation, then have them say that my own situation doesn't fit their personal opinions....annoys me. i mean, i know salespeople are supposed to push a product, but jeez...i know what i want, i don't need someone to explain why they wouldn't make the same choice as me. [/rant]
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    time to change my sig, i guess
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got a gift from the Fedex man today...thanks, Scoot
  25. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, but there's the perfect set of interconnects for your $350,000 amplifiers (WAVAC monoblocks) and $25,000 speakers (Wilson WATT/Puppy's) What sends me over the edge are thousand-dollar devices for "breaking in" your power cables. No chit. Go to Audiogon.com and see what they're selling...Barnum is alive and well, and selling audiophool products. Not only do you need to break in your cables (and cryogenically freeze them, which of course makes a difference when they return to room temp.) but now you need a special device to break the cables in! Isn't capitalism great?