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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. Figured these could get their own thread, so if anyone else wanted to join in, we'd have a place... Dave, in the center...placating the crowd around the Magnum, as there often is one Teh van in the lane, getting ready for the SQ test and SPL run. How the testing area was set up. Chad's dual Mag D2's...pretty asses Kevin's car getting ready, with the team from NC testing. Dave's doing...something. Beats me. The other Chad's amp rack/battery rack...the drill adds deebeez Motivation for Bucky. He's quiet. The guys from NC with an 18" Solo X And c'mon...a car audio show without the local fuzz showing up is..well, no fun at all Bucky is a menace to society...though most of us already knew that ~ Jim
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    who knows, maybe even make it down to the junkyard and see if they have a replacement set of door panels/handles...need those before i even think about replacing the speakers and/or doing some deadening.
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, I've been doing that thing called "school", and have to do some errands now...
  4. JimJ

    i'm rick james, female dog

    SoVA crew taking first in Stock and Stock+ fo sho
  5. You probably have...either hauling ass down 460 or through town with Dylan or CCR playing, lol...that'd be me.
  6. JimJ

    MECA finals

    No glass work needed for me, but I do need woodwork done
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, I finished the assignment I was doing...so if anyone's so kind as to send me an invite...
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Somebody make one I = AIM n00b
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who's up for a worthwhile AIM chat? Not something started over on CA.com, I don't have time for a teenage e-orgy of stupidity.
  11. JimJ

    i'm rick james, female dog

    Websta! Welcome aboard!
  12. It's actually not a Duke shirt...well, not really It's the shirt I got at the Stones concert there
  13. JimJ

    Wuts Up?

    Welcome aboard. We try to check the e-drama at the door.
  14. PW...pfft I made the thread, so I can get one free post
  15. JimJ

    Dave's Ride..............it's about time!

    d00d, you're on here now? schweet. And guys - ^^^^^ that guy has one hella clean trunk!
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    OK...I guess I'm self confident enough to be able to live with the brand stigma...in fact, all the more reason to make it into a total sleeper and embarrass people like you J/K...or am I?
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Of course you're going to disagree with me, because that's a side hobby for you... Disagreeing with anything I have to say or do
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    An S80 is hardly a granny car Not any more than a Lexus is a ride for someone who spends their afternoons at the golf course
  19. JimJ

    nervous about this weekend

    And me! Hata's, fo shizzle! I'll take my 2nd place install and STFU
  20. It means that's what his battery pack was floating at, with the engine shut off
  21. JimJ

    Sydney Moon

    Yes Ma'am.
  22. He had a 16.75VDC float voltage, and did a 159 and some change
  23. JimJ

    nervous about this weekend

    I beat you in RTA...punk And Stock+
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like the look of the older BMW's. The new ones are horrifically ugly, if you ask me. I've driven the '80 before, and I loved it...the only real problem was that it didn't come in a 5spd...I don't know if it's changed since then, but driving it in an automatic felt like a handicap.