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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    bored out of my mind in physics lecture <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stand up and ask if you can borrow a klenex for your runny nose. Kinda lame I know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://web.mit.edu/voodoo/www/is744/exam.html It's been at least seven years since I first heard about those, and some of them are still as applicable as ever.
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wish I could join...need to go over to the Empo, because Powerpoint is totally fux0red on my machine still. Studying for the IS exam tomorrow @ 8AM...suck
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've never thought about it that way...a junkyard is like an ADD person's dream Now, where did they put the gear....ohhh, shiny metal things! *runs away*
  4. i bet all the girls tell ya that dont they <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He isn't compensating with wheel diameter...
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I find that series of ads to be strangely funny... Maybe it's my twisted sense of humor.
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    we just dropped it like it's hot
  7. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    german engineering indahouz
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    May just say fuck it and really pack the single box well...go overboard on peanuts even more than I already did. Single box should be fine with the way I've got things in there.
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit fudge ass...need to go to the UPS store tomorrow and see if they have any 15" high boxes...trying to double box something and if I go over that height, it gets charged as a 70lb box even though it's a 31 lb one... grrr
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey hey, we haven't even done it yet
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Let's make it into a full-size R/C car, and drive it around empty Tech parking lots and confuse the chit out of the cops
  12. JimJ

    Stratusfaction problem

    Think the mounts are slowly going bad on the van...either that, or it needs an alignment pronto. Matt, next time I'm in it I'll listen to it, see if I can brainstorm anything else..
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I gots da TOP
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Getting hungry...time to go to campus. Then study afterwards...b00
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I may just bite the bullet and pick up a Monster 3500 power conditioner from Buy.com...for $170 new, it's easily the cheapest anywhere online. Solder in the $80 Exodus filter and poof - takes care of my power needs. But the idea of owning anything Monster disgusts me at some level
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Something we can wall off
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didn't see anything... You're seeing things.
  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to study for a few exams, probably starting tonight... acct'ing and info systems on thursday sociology on friday Neither are particularly difficult, but there's just a lot of reading I haven't done yet
  21. JimJ

    Sub rattle

    Your avatar is somewhat disturbing... No, make that highly disturbing
  22. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just trying to find a schematic for a DC block that people seem to agree on...I've found three or four, but nobody can agree whether they're safe or not I may just suck it up and buy the assembled PCB for $80 or so, throw it in a metal case and be done with it...and hope the manufacturer that I'm getting the enclosure from does hole punching cheaply