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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    mj18m ib

    Should work fine Volume-wise it'll be more than loud enough to get to realistic levels; now, if you want to go beyond what's realistic IB will not be for you
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Last time I was in New York I think that's mostly what I did...eat, and look around real record stores.
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    only passable? you are way to close to NY to not be able to get a good one Oh, I know, the best I've had were in NYC...but that's an 8 hour drive from here...not really "way too close" Even Philly is a pretty good hike from here.
  4. JimJ

    Hly ish Batman

  5. JimJ

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Regardless of what the other guy said, the whole notion of "underpowering" is a dumb one, LB really didn't have anything to go on for that post
  6. JimJ

    Someone please explain ...

    Thank you! Do you really need a 4 channel amp to accomplish this? For a 2-way active setup, you need four channels of amplification (one for each driver being used) - whether or not that's from a single 4 channel amp or two 2-channels, doesn't really matter. For a 3-way active setup, you'd need six channels of amplification - again, the number of amps isn't important as long as you have all the channels you need
  7. Oh, you were looking at kW amps before, I was confused It should do the job, then.
  8. They've been discontinued for a couple years, the last time I looked they were around $300. Good for around 1.4kW into a 1 ohm load. I wouldn't even consider anything PA, and that Pioneer is a 600W amp...
  9. JimJ

    trying to figure what sub to go with

    Performance how? Are you looking more for accuracy or output... I'd be worried about how it failed, any sub you drop in there has the same chance of failing if it's not set up correctly.
  10. JimJ

    trying to figure what sub to go with

    Better for what? How did the L7 fail?
  11. JimJ

    RE Audio

    Not bad, but nothing particularly special, either. For what they were charging I'd rather have a Shiva-X or SI BM if I wanted a 12".
  12. I saw one of those fail and send DC into a sub, so I couldn't really recommend that personally. Now an older Cadence, perhaps...it's slightly more power than you wanted, but the A7+HCs were damn near bulletproof.
  13. JimJ

    another amp

    Unless you're competing, I wouldn't bother.
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. JimJ

    Temporary sub options...hmm

    I'd much rather have the sealed Brahma - they sound quite nice
  16. JimJ

    Now Playing!

    The Who - Baba O'Riley Dylan - Chimes of Freedom
  17. JimJ

    input sensitivity

    Is there any particular reason you want to have that much preout voltage?
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Although I did find a place in town that had a passable pastrami & swiss
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Too much Warsteiner last night
  20. JimJ

    Splicing twisted speaker wire

    I've found that the same coax cable strippers that satellite TV installers use, seems to work well for 8awg/4awg wire. For 0awg, utility knife.
  21. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was about to say, the Imp must have been near the length of the van...
  22. JimJ

    RE Audio

    I had a chance to hear an SR, and I didn't think so... It's not a question of quality, it's a question of whether or not the typical keyboard commando is willing to pay the prices they're wanting at dealers.