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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    What does your username stand for/mean?

    I love those things 3-on-the-tree and non-syncromesh? I tried that on a '40s grain truck, kicked my ass the first time
  2. JimJ

    Single 8" box build

    It won't.
  3. JimJ

    I want a sub with better SQ and spl

    What do you think about the 12" SSD?? With the copper coil option I think they're a great choice.
  4. JimJ

    What does your username stand for/mean?

    One of these days I'll remember...
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Monstrous shit coming on. BRB.
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like the 911 bodywork though...if anything they should bring it back to the '70s lines...
  7. JimJ

    New Audio Setup

    I don't think loud SQ is a very accurate term for what you're doing... And "deep" and "clear" really don't have any meaning, either...I could recommend a sealed enclosure that would be "deeper" than a ported box, but dollars to donuts you'd prefer the peakier one I don't understand that
  8. JimJ

    Got my First ticket...

    Like it or not, the first time he recognized you (and he did remember you, from what it sounds like, unless you knew him previously) left an impression on him...he might have been more apt to ticket you the 2nd time by. Equipment is irrelevant, as you say. This is really one of those things I don't have a lot of empathy for.
  9. JimJ

    Help me with my f-150

    Something to remember, SSA is an internet-only company and doesn't have stores.
  10. JimJ

    Single 8" box build

    If you want midbass, put it up front where it belongs...
  11. A passive setup uses fixed crossovers that are at speaker-level (i.e., after the amplifier but before the speakers). Other than adjustable tweeter attenuation, they usually are fixed at a certain crossover point and slope, at least without modification. "Active" implies some sort of electronic crossover that's placed before (or in some cases, built into) the amplifiers. This way, you're only limited by the processor itself, you can change points and slopes to whatever you'd want. This is advantageous in a vehicle because you might not know exactly what crossover point or slope will work best for your install - you could get extraordinarily lucky with a passive setup that's somehow set up correctly, but you'd probably have better odds playing the lottery For an active setup, you need as many amplifier channels as speaker drivers you're powering. That means, for a 2-way setup (midbass & tweeter per side), you need 4 channels of amplification. For a 3-way setup (midbass, midrange & tweet), you'd need 6. Thank you so much for the help! But does the quality on the passive crossover matter? I just put in Kicker SS Components, and I know that they cost so much because of the high quality crossovers, does it really matter? For in-car use, I would put flexibility over ultimate quality in the parts used. I think foil inductors and high quality caps are great, yeah, but if the Xover point/slope is wrong for your install, even the best quality components are going to sound like crap. Save those really high-quality crossovers for the home, where things are much less demanding
  12. A passive setup uses fixed crossovers that are at speaker-level (i.e., after the amplifier but before the speakers). Other than adjustable tweeter attenuation, they usually are fixed at a certain crossover point and slope, at least without modification. "Active" implies some sort of electronic crossover that's placed before (or in some cases, built into) the amplifiers. This way, you're only limited by the processor itself, you can change points and slopes to whatever you'd want. This is advantageous in a vehicle because you might not know exactly what crossover point or slope will work best for your install - you could get extraordinarily lucky with a passive setup that's somehow set up correctly, but you'd probably have better odds playing the lottery For an active setup, you need as many amplifier channels as speaker drivers you're powering. That means, for a 2-way setup (midbass & tweeter per side), you need 4 channels of amplification. For a 3-way setup (midbass, midrange & tweet), you'd need 6.
  13. JimJ

    Single 8" box build

    50Hz for that sub is way, way too high to even approach what I'd call "musical"...
  14. JimJ

    ? about best enclosure size for my 15" btl

    Unless he's competing, 500W won't matter much.
  15. JimJ

    BOx tOOL

    Excellent stuff, but I'd only choose it if you're leaving it natural. If it's getting covered anyway, I'm not sure I'd bother with the expense.
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hahaha, Jack went to the same school as I did until he left after 8th grade (he's a year older than I) and yes, he is a nut case The fact that he's in the military scares me more than his father having a very good chance at winning the election...
  17. JimJ

    15" fi BL

    Just because an amplifier is rated for a certain amount of power, doesn't mean you have to send it all of it - if people realized this I bet we'd have to sift through a lot less "I fried my tinsel leads, I need a recone" threads.
  18. JimJ

    15" fi BL

    Yes. They're currently out of stock due to a parts shortage.
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mmm, ass tires...
  20. JimJ

    15" fi BL

    Go back and re-read my reply, I already gave you the link to the enclosure recommendations
  21. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, he wants a little north of $3K for it, which is a bit steep...maybe he figures since it's a /5 there's a boner for it like the 75's have... Also have someone in Asheville that PM'ed me with a 75/6 for $2K, waiting to see pictures of it. I can live with some cosmetic imperfections, but at that price...likely too many things are wrong. I'd also have to arrange transport with someone for a 5-hour trip east...not likely to happen.
  22. JimJ

    ? about best enclosure size for my 15" btl

    Well, what you said isn't true, but I know what they said to you and it's right
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    70mph on a 10" tire would be frightening, probably fun as hell but frightening
  24. JimJ

    ? about best enclosure size for my 15" btl
