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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    TC vs FI

    $720? I'm sure the 5400 has a lot of output potential...but for that price you could have spend your money elsewhere and gotten more. Would have required more in the way of amplification though.
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Steve, I'm with you on the crazed females...what is it with the "pity me" response...then when you actually show that you're geniunely interested, do everything but, god forbid, tell you what's going on. Bugs the living chit out of me. At least if I'm in a pissed off mood, I don't bait people with it.
  3. JimJ

    my ht options

    Scotch on the rocks would be my choice, but that wouldn't fit in his budget very well
  4. JimJ

    TC vs FI

    You're powering a sub like that with 500W and you're surprised at the lack of output? Upgrade the amp first, and go to a ported enclosure...then think about changing drivers.
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    CDT components and solid copper amps
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DLS....and eDuh? Well, eDuh and Tru were together there for a bit, stranger things have happened...
  7. JimJ

    Speaking of which...

    mod or die
  8. JimJ

    my ht options

    OK, given $300... http://www.apexjr.com/ApexJunior.htm - $89.95 http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=295-550 - $64.90 http://cgi.ebay.com/NAD-Model-140-Receiver...1QQcmdZViewItem Got enough left over to buy some MDF and a six pack for the first listening session
  9. I hate to bail on ya, but I'm leaving town on Friday...need to get back home earlier than I thought.
  10. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    class is ovah time to study for my exam later then study for the one t/m
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Matt, just leave teh rent on the table, I'll probably see it before I leave...maybe... We're going over the stats test that I got lucky on...I still don't understand most of this chit, yet I think I set the curve... lol
  13. JimJ

    what up!

    Welcome aboard!
  14. JimJ

    my ht options

    Some equipment ideas... Power amp: http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?amp...&1176738971 Preamp: http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?pre...&1177711629 http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?pre...&1177722483 http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?pre...&1177475169 (heckuva good price on a Rotel like that) Don't forget good reliable surge suppression
  15. JimJ

    my ht options

    How much room do you have? One of those floorstanding transmission lines would be jaw-dropping with a 15", and the design work has already been done As for power, I'd recommend either going with vintage stuff or seperate power amps/preamps. With two channels, it's easy to get some good equipment, vs. home theater where you're forced to make compromises because of the number of channels involved. Do you have a budget for the electronics you'll need? I'd much rather use those Focals than a set of computer speakers...
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Leaving here Friday...can't come soon enough
  17. JimJ

    RE vs. FI

    I'd go with the Fi drivers...I just like the sound of them over the SE's. Not to mention the customer support
  18. No competing for me. Maybe by the summer...but I wouldn't do MECA anyway
  19. JimJ

    TC vs FI

    I'd try a high tuned ported box with lots of port area...should work well for you if all you're concerned about is SPL.
  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just skip to whatever's newest, usually if there's a conversation in there it gets quoted so I don't miss much... That being said, I gave up on reading the whole 'hop...thousands of pages ago, lol
  21. JimJ

    Weight of BTL?

    let's just say...picking up a Rainbow Vanadium...and then one of these... Bit of a difference
  22. JimJ

    Mmmmm..... Magnepan's

    They're 20KHz to wherever the sub crosses over at
  23. it's still a kia... vs. a brabus... GAME OVAH
  24. JimJ

    Dropping by from ca.com

    Welcome aboard!