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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    So let's say you were buying a vehicle...

    A VW Beetle would be very, very hard to beat for pure staging potential...not sure if it meets your "decently quick" criteria, but it'd probably be faster than your S-10 stock
  2. JimJ

    Amp - Plate or rack mount

    You need some sort of crossover to make sure that the sub isn't getting a full range signal from the source...Harrison Labs makes FMOD inline crossovers (PE also stocks these), or you can buy an adjustable one.
  3. JimJ

    Amp - Plate or rack mount

    For rackmount amps...QSC and Crown would be my first two choices. Plate amps are great if you want to stay under 500W - over that, the value of rack amps takes over.
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    6EA7/EM7 tubes are cheap as dirt too. Not made anymore, but you can find them NOS for five bucks all day.
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice amp. Bet you can't wire it more messy than my Foreplay 2 was wired
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd go with the Mag, but that's just my opinion. Put it in a sealed box and it'd pwn.
  7. JimJ

    help choosing a pair of 15s

    The Mag does a lot more than just get all out loud, though it's good for that too To my ears, the Mag is a clear improvement over the Q, but like you mentioned...that improvement comes at a cost. Whether or not that's worth it to you is going to be up to you.
  8. JimJ

    rainbow speakers

    Very, very, very good. Believe me I was under a strict "no cameras" rule for the past 10 months I hadn't seen them wrapped yet, gorgeous.
  9. JimJ

    Contemplating doing my own home audio set-up!

    I'd get a bigger budget. I'm up to $5k in equipment already, not including a TV of any kind, and I'm dealing with five less channels than you.
  10. JimJ

    1 SSD15 enough beat?

    I wouldn't recommend it.
  11. Part of the reason I've never been a fan of leasing vehicles.
  12. JimJ


    I mean the stuff to cover the other 90% of what you can hear...yeah, the HU and stuff What kind of a budget are you working with?
  13. JimJ


    For a substage it sounds fine, what do you have planned for the rest of the system?
  14. JimJ

    Who would do a 20"?

    Heck, I'd do a 40" if you'd build one
  15. JimJ

    Contemplating doing my own home audio set-up!

    If you have the budget - maybe give Rotel or Outlaw Audio some consideration. Now that we know what kind of space you're working with, those speakers you've chosen are way too small. Even with a really, really, really low ceiling. Room treatments would be another thing to look into, that ceiling is going to do some funky things with reflected waves in that space... Madisound has some kits that you could do. I know they have some timbre-matched floorstanders and centers, would allow you to get higher-quality stuff without paying too much for it.
  16. JimJ

    dd z1 or saz-3000d

    After seeing Snoop's Z1 fail during '06 dBDrag finals (and hearing about the failure reports over on Soundpressure), I wouldn't be too confident about the Z1. If Zenon comes through with the 3000d like they did with the SAZ-1500D, you're getting a superior amp.
  17. JimJ

    Input on 8's

    Yeah, Ok Jim, I'll get right on it. Will next week be ok? Aww...I can dream, can't I?
  18. JimJ


  19. JimJ

    The Fi Dust Cap?

    Eh, doesn't affect the sound of the driver, doesn't matter all that much.
  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've almost been passed by campus transit buses going 65-70mph before on the highway. It's hilarious, once they get off shift those guys haul ass...I feel bad having to accelerate just to keep up
  21. JimJ

    which 15's??

    Unless he's building for a specific class, I'd take the option with the greater cone area.
  22. JimJ

    Contemplating doing my own home audio set-up!

    Do you really have enough room to justify 7.1? I'm kinda "meh" on the whole thing, but I'm sure it'll sound great.
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    central timezone lightweights 'nuff said.
  24. JimJ

    about the q's and BL's?

    "Sounding good" can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people.