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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    need some opinions for my component amp

    So use it and go with the 4-channel amp, and not worry about the power Would be a waste to have that head unit and run passive, IMO.
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    OK, I'm officially an idiot. Apparently, the smaller VHF/UHF radio has more of an idle current draw on it than I thought...go to start up the van for the first time in a week, yeah, I'm dumb. Good thing I don't need it for anything tomorrow, I'll get a jump in the morning. Now may be a good time to get a solar float charger, and a low voltage cutoff switch
  3. JimJ

    Recommendations for a good system

    Are you talking about the entire system or just taking the approach of a sub and an amp, and that's it?
  4. JimJ


    I can't ever afford a powered woofer, seeing as i have no income. and before anyone even says it, i bought the backpack supplies with a bag of quarters the ex tried to smash my head in with, which i later took on top of which, it blew all my speakers. i cant afford even measly 125w speakers. Then get out there and be enterprising. Mow lawns. Wash cars. Those years I basically lived during the summer with a lawnmower attached to my hands, because it was a handy way to make some money where I lived If you can't do that, think of some other small jobs you can do for people - that don't involve ghetto-rigged backpacks.
  5. JimJ


    SAME HERE... but i was more intrested in bass. i blew alot of recivers before i learned about the law of ohms My first introduction to Ohm's Law wasn't in audio, but in amateur radio. So I was more used to 50 and 450 ohm impedances before running into 2 and 4 ohm ones
  6. JimJ


    And by mounting them isobaric you cut their efficiency in half as well. Really, really stop with the back pack nonsense and grow up. There is a reason they were referred to as ghetto-blasters in the past and if that is what you want for your future continue on this path. M5, i really only want to do this now, because i need to refine my methods and make it a little better before i can start selling them. as retarded as it sounds, people at school actually want to buy these things. I'm really not sure I'd do that. Yes, you're a minor, but what happens when one of these contraptions shorts out and catches fire in someone's backpack? We'll be hearing about this one on CNN as a weird news segment...
  7. JimJ


    What's wrong with your surround receiver for home audio? When I was about your age, I started out with buying a late '70s Kenwood integrated amp and a pair of JBL floorstanders. Wasn't "hi-fi" by any means, but it was listenable and taught me some things about basic room placement, imaging, etc...I might have paid $75 for everything.
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Back when they realized all you needed were three pedals, a gearshift, and a steering wheel. Speedometer optional
  9. JimJ

    The linc and the 22in shoes

    I've lived in North Carolina long enough to know that not everyone has that attitude, but a fair number of people still do Let's leave it at that.
  10. JimJ

    The linc and the 22in shoes

    I keep having to remember, Indiana is flat, I'd like to see all that unsprung mass try to come to a stop even around here I don't know, I guess it comes down to what you're comfortable with. I wouldn't be comfortable driving for any length of time knowing that the key to my suspension is down to little neoprene blocks crammed in the springs, but that's just me. Some people are also comfortable with talking on the phone, eating a burger and reading the Wall Street Journal while they're driving, too, so I guess we all have our own tolerances for risk
  11. JimJ

    The linc and the 22in shoes

    At least the brake upgrades are functional, unlike the wheels. As for the spacers, even you said you were having problems in Bigjon's thread. Being a college student is no excuse to do things sloppily, believe me
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey, that feeling's familiar
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't say too much, if I end up with a Triumph or Norton I'll have to deal with that At least BMW had electrical systems that worked....
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The Prince of Darkness?
  15. JimJ

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    Now just needs some pimp more 5/6 channels. Fixed.
  16. JimJ

    ready to go active>?

    I still have the template for the 5x7 to 6.5" adapters I made, if you can wait until this weekend I could take the flush trim bit and make another set.
  17. JimJ


    Or, you could just trash it and concentrate on something that might actually have a chance at sounding decent, and not annoy everyone you meet
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://raleigh.craigslist.org/mcy/850013156.html $6500...if there's a boner for BM'ers, then the British twins have it 10x worse. There's been two of those in Greensboro that sold over the summer for $3k, I don't know who he's expecting to pay twice that now...
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Leave it to chrysler to turn things backwards. Doesn't mean I don't like it Quantity does not equal quality...
  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What in the fuck is my downstairs neighbor doing...he's either trying to hump a wildebeest or...I'm not sure what else.
  21. JimJ


    There's a new heir to the throne...
  22. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For a modern car, that interior looks very '80s to me. Fiero-ish even...
  23. Look in the Fi Technical section, all the information you need is given.
  24. JimJ

    MLI-65 Mids

    I used non-hardening modeling clay, bought it at a local hobby store. Same stuff used on the back and edges of MDF speaker baffles