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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    $500's possible, sure.
  2. And you didn't like the response of the sealed setup?
  3. JimJ

    Ranking of Audio Mediums?

    Bottlehead has won some awards at audio shows for their open reel demos: http://www.bottlehead.com/et/adobespc/Sedu...eheadpreamp.htm It's pretty cool, but I just can't see the format being anything but a novelty. It's not like there are a lot of new releases coming out on it...unlike LPs.
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    From the guys selling the $50 a foot rca's In the same vein as the people who say you need to elevate RCA's for better performance...damn carpet kills high frequencies.
  6. JimJ

    Sub Suggestion

    Personally, if low frequency reproduction is important, I'd rather have two $350 drivers than a single $700 one. Cone area is key, and spending more on a single sub that's likely to go into power compression sooner will only get you marginal gains.
  7. You could double that and still be within JL's recommendation.
  8. JimJ

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    What are you doing for a front stage?
  9. JimJ

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Approaching $1k? Get used to seeing higher numbers...
  10. JimJ

    perfect sub

    Because we could sit here all day and still not come to any conclusive results? Best thing for you to do is start looking at reviews of all the subs you listed.
  11. Maybe the horns double as outlets for a fog machine?
  12. JimJ

    Fosgate subs

    They don't sound all that great, and they're not a good value?
  13. JimJ

    Ranking of Audio Mediums?

    Reel to reel technically would be closest to the source, even before going to the vinyl cutter...I've never heard a R2R set up for hi-fi though so I can't say personally.
  14. JimJ

    Fosgate subs

    I don't think they're anything special, considering what else you can find for the price...
  15. JimJ

    how good is....

    I don't have the equipment to answer that in anything but subjective terms. Did I think it was better? Yes, but you may not. The Mag really doesn't do anything wrong, at that point you'd have to really nitpick to find any faults anyway.
  16. JimJ

    how good is....

    AIM only.
  17. JimJ

    how good is....

    http://www.madisound.com/catalog/product_i...402a995e1b57104 Those come to mind.
  18. It's gotta be a Florida thing.
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Going home always seems like a good idea at first, but after a week of living with the parents you realize why you're not there anymore
  20. JimJ

    perfect sub

    So...you've already made up your mind, but are asking for opinions?
  21. JimJ

    impedance + SQ

    Theoretically, it changes the damping factor of the system - which is the ratio of the amp's output impedance to the impedance of the load. Most push/pull solid state amps have such low output impedances that lowering the load impedance doesn't do a whole lot to change DF. The short answer? Don't worry about it.
  22. JimJ

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    I was there at Drag finals last year when Snoopdan's Z1 blew up on him, and I've been around enough SAZ-1500D's to leave a good impression about the product...the four we tested did 2500W per amp, but that was under ideal conditions not likely to happen in most vehicles.
  23. The little buggers have a ton of displacement.
  24. I know of a few designs that actually have Eminence drivers that sound good But they don't have 36 midranges and tweeters.
  25. JimJ

    loudest setup

    Out of those choices, I'd stick with the first.