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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    See some strange things around here.
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People randomly ballroom dancing...ok.
  3. JimJ


    If you say you're definitely not an SQ fan, I wouldn't recommend IB. While it'll sound better and it'd be what I'd do personally, you'll give up a lot of output to get that.
  4. JimJ

    High Wattage Passive Components

    Where are you getting those numbers from?
  5. JimJ

    Subs I bought are the wrong ohms..

    The amp would be fine, they're not covered under warranty to a half ohm anymore. So if that bothers you, don't do it, but as long as you aren't stupid with it there won't be a technical issue.
  6. JimJ

    Subs I bought are the wrong ohms..

    If I were in your position, I'd run the amp at a half ohm and make sure you can't send too much power to the subs. Won't cost you any more
  7. JimJ

    Which Amp

    Honestly, it'd be pretty hard to go wrong with any of that list. Take out the rears and that helps your budget for the Audison a bit
  8. JimJ


    What you really mean is a mixture of SQ and SPL, what I said in that post wasn't directed at you so much but just a general thing. "SQL" is a bad, bad, bad term. Have you looked into 15's that take a smaller enclosure? Maybe if you tuned the RL-S's high enough you could fit them, but then you'd be sacrificing low end and transient response. BTW, what's soca? I'm assuming it's kind of in the vein of the other genres you mentioned, but I've never heard of it before so I don't know.
  9. JimJ

    High Wattage Passive Components

    Depends on the budget, mounting locations and crossover points... That's still a decent amount of power at 8 ohms, so you have a lot of choices.
  10. JimJ

    12" Icon brief review

    What frequency and at what slope do you have it crossed over at?
  11. JimJ


    Can we get the filter removed please? If you can't fit large enclosures...I wouldn't recommend the RL-S...
  12. JimJ

    18" BTL on fast-bass rock

    Some of the best sounding cars I've been in have stereos worth more than the vehicle
  13. JimJ

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Well. Folks have moved on to other stuff, by folks I mean the people who used to run it. It is not what it was 2 years ago, and that makes me sad. I just go there for the photo gallery, because it's still a better setup than what's here. If SSA got a photo gallery that duplicated what that one does...I probably wouldn't check it anymore
  14. JimJ

    Price for decent box?

    Reasonable if there's a lot of labor extensive work and the craftsmanship is flawless...
  15. JimJ

    2005 xxx

    , I give you the gift of "comma".
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd take four 10's, my ceilings aren't tall enough for me to do what I'd want to do
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Revisit that in about 50 years
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You'd love it here then. You can go from seeing sun, rain, snow, ice, sun and snow again all in one day.
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And a totally non-sustainable future...
  20. JimJ

    18" BTL on fast-bass rock

    I swear I didn't see the two pairs of components coming...
  21. Those are surface mounted devices. They're a PITA to do any work on yourself...requires a magnifying glass, carefully controlled soldering temp and a lot of patience...
  22. Now I just need a way to make ColumnsUI look pretty Some amazing skins out there.
  23. Well, I can't quite figure out how to make Winamp do this. I want to be able to have it random shuffle through albums, and then play through the album in order...and then once its finished with that album to move to another random album. Winamp seems to let me randomize from all the files, not really useful. Are there are players out there that can support this? And if you recommend Foobar, I want a link to something that's already configured
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Those are Webster's...Ramos was doing his Jedi router tricks... But they might as well be L3s
  25. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Midwest blah. Time for you guys to come East