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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    weird, double post
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any good ways to break wood glued joints? Other than a circular saw...which may come next...
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any good ways to break wood glued joints? Other than a circular saw...which may come next...
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any good ways to break wood glued joints? Other than a circular saw...which may come next...
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Only 3 grand? :( How about five Spawn of Frugel Horns Would be fun...
  6. JimJ

    just a question

    You...make sure you select a BTL?
  7. JimJ

    Need help for a system in an Evo 8...

    What's the rest of the "system"?
  8. JimJ

    Nice SQ amp

    I don't really care about car audio anymore But since you asked, a pair of PG Tantrums, the 1200.1 & 500.2. Any amp that does rated power cleanly should work for what you're trying to do.
  9. JimJ

    Nice SQ amp

    Simply having lots of undistorted power is not SQ.
  10. Ignore maximum power. The amp you have won't do an actual 1.8kW, you'll be lucky to get a kilowatt out of it. Re-tune the setup with that in mind and you shouldn't blow any more fuses...preferably, by finding someone with an oscilloscope and setting it that way.
  11. JimJ

    front stage SQ questions??

    The Seas L series (aluminum) have gotten some pretty favorable reviews to the Excels...but unless they're directly on axis, not so sure. In a car, I'd probably go with the Nextels if you wanted something a little cheaper...
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I bet Bush is trying to figure out where he went wrong
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Weird, board's loading fine for me...and I'm on the laptop now which usually gets sucky reception on the wireless...
  14. JimJ

    Happy Birthday Acidburn

    Where are the pictures? I got pictures of me looking like an idiot up here...
  15. JimJ

    Need Help with mids

    Audio Technology C-Quenzes
  16. JimJ

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    Moral of the story is...use proper amps
  17. JimJ

    sealed or ported

    IMO, sealed...
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was testing my silent jetpack, I won't bother you again
  19. Nope, never really wondered.
  20. JimJ

    Should i go sealed?

    I'd go sealed...
  21. JimJ

    Ping JimJ

    Don't count out Craigslist as well, you can be amazed at what people really close to you are selling
  22. JimJ

    Ping JimJ

    Not that I can think of, without going into more specialized places...Decware's board has some good deals every now and then for really low-powered tube geeks & the high efficiency crowd...AudioCircle seemed like they had decent stuff for sale, but that place is too full of asshats for me to go back...Audiokarma is like a flea market that's too expensive for what's being sold, but always has a couple McIntosh pieces for sale... Audiogon is where it's at. I bought my turntable from someone on there, got in touch with someone for a preamp and ended up picking it up 15min from my folks' place...sure, you have to be careful like everywhere, but it's not quite the clusterfuck Ebay is.
  23. JimJ

    question about ohms

    4 ohm single or dual voice coil? Most of the time, if you're looking to maximize power out of an amplifier you want to run it at the lowest impedance load it's stable to...
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nah this guy hadn't bid at all, then he put in his bid at 1 second left. which is cool I guess he still put in a higher price then I put in which is all really wanted to spend so it wasn't like he cheated, just been bidding hard on these mother lovers and can't catch a break. Sounds like he had a program bidding for him... I snipe like crazy, but call me old fashioned, it's just un-gentlemanly to have a computer do a person's job
  25. JimJ

    Happy Birthday Acidburn

    He better not post in here until tomorrow afternoon Have a good one Tom!