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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    duty cycle

    Audio amps are usually rated for continuous operation - you hear about duty cycle all day long for rating RF amplifiers, because the transmitter isn't actually modulating the input 100% of the time in some modes, but it isn't a commonly used term for audio amps.
  2. JimJ

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    I realize the cone wont move as much, but audible output at low frequencies is poor compared to having more port area per sub; 3 subs 200sqin vs 2 subs 180 sqin. Either way, Sealed sounds great with these, but Marks recommended sealed volume vs the 'optimal' Qtc of .707 still intrigues me? I'd be hesitant to call the typical Butterworth alignment of 0.707 "optimal". Like anything in enclosure design, it's a compromise, between being underdamped and overdamped If someone can live with less output and knows enough not to kill the speakers due to the reduced mechanical power handling, maybe they'd really like an overdamped setup with a lower Qtc value - IB is a perfect example of this.
  3. JimJ


    Not all subwoofers of the same size take the same enclosure volume It's a lot easier to read when the caps lock is turned off, too...thanks.
  4. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bat cave runs again
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to change the battery in the van, and of course I took all the combo wrenches I had here back to NC the last time I went I think I have a small pair of vice-grips left though...
  6. JimJ

    newbie with some ?

    Just so we're on the same page here, what kind of music do you listen to that has really good SQ?
  7. With Klein Horns, perhaps, anything short of that, doubtful
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got flamed pretty hard about making a comment on another forum about letting Ford & GM fail...apparently I'm "dogmatic" about "hands-off capitalism"
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bringing a Smart Car to Lowe's...what were they getting there, one houseplant?
  10. Nope. Cross section of 1/0 is 55mm^2. Cross section of only 4/0 is 120mm^2. 6/0 is almost 2x the size of 4/0. can you show me where you get your info? Do a Google search for "AWG and mm^2" well i have a site that i get info from...... so it not that i have no clue... its that im trying to see where he gets his info......cause it seems as if the site i use is shit These kind of things are reprinted everywhere, as engineering references or whatnot.
  11. Nope. Cross section of 1/0 is 55mm^2. Cross section of only 4/0 is 120mm^2. 6/0 is almost 2x the size of 4/0. can you show me where you get your info? Do a Google search for "AWG and mm^2"
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My mind is playing tricks with me, I can't remember if I got a receipt for this thing when I paid with cash on Tuesday...typically, I find every single receipt for things I don't care about but I can't find the one that I actually want to return Oh well, they're going to take it back anyway...
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to go battery shopping The Optima's down to 5V
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Every time I go back to my folks' place, I always have to stop and wait for the deer to cross the driveway. And they'll sit right in the middle of it. After I got hit, they're more of a nuisance
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lmfao I'm out for a bit.
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    a douchebag. Proof that money can't buy you either knowledge or people skills.
  17. JimJ

    I love pressure and PHOTOGRAPHY

    I <3 Nikon lenses. Their primes are still amazing Looks like you've got some softbox action going on there?
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just killing time until an APICS meeting tonight...then studying for a supply chain test tomorrow and finishing up a presentation. Easy, but time-consuming
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/mcy/878874518.html I saw the ad for that bike on the Richmond CL last month, for $3000... Even with a receipt for the service done, $4500 for a non-toaster one is being very optimistic.
  20. JimJ

    dont like my new setup

    Considering we don't know what you didn't like about the SX's, what do we have to go on exactly?
  21. JimJ

    Blown Fi 15" Q

    The whole gain-position-myth-thing needs to be put to bed
  22. JimJ

    RE sub

  23. JimJ

    RE sub

    Not a bad amp if you're thinking about upgrading in the future, although I'd probably just get a plate amp for the SR if you don't have any immediate upgrade plans...
  24. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didn't see that thread, but considering how much shit has been popping up here I can't say that I am surprised. It's people like that who are the Fitards of 120V