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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, what's the "special" part when there's not a part of the movie made without them? I'm just happy that a guy with a guitar that looks like he found it backstage at Newport and a chick on a piano beat three godawful Disney songs for an Oscar. There's hope out there after all...
  2. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A Super Mod needs to either clean out the "SQ Show Off" thread or delete it entirely and start over... I remember having a good thread like that in the VIP section without all the idiots posting in it, but it must have been lost in the data loss
  3. JimJ

    Thinking of coming over

    The last generation will, although if sound quality's what you're after they don't need anywhere near that. The SPL install I mentioned was sending them about 2.5kW, but that wasn't recommended for everyday use
  4. JimJ

    Thinking of coming over

    To me, anything's going to sound like ass at that volume. Sound quality involves having subbass that blends well with the front stage, and unless you're trying to fill Wembley Arena 150dB is just way too much. Just a question of where your priorities lie...my point was that in an SPL-oriented install the Mag will get up there. But while you can have a woofer that does well for both, trying to get both at the same time is impossible.
  5. JimJ

    Thinking of coming over

    The first time I heard SI Mags, they were doing over a 150 Not sure about "sounding good doing it". That install sounded like ass. But when I heard them sealed...amazing.
  6. JimJ

    Do you think???

    I don't think you have any worries about SSA being confused for those goons.
  7. JimJ

    Do you think???

    I'd post and say "Let's see what Tang Band says", but I'm banned from the eD subforum anyway
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    PE order out. Just as soon as it comes, it goes...
  9. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whole lot of pr0n, huh...
  10. JimJ

    Songs that hit pretty good that aint rap/hip hop

    A lot of movie soundtracks have a lot of very deep subbass. Of course, most mainstream songs that are produced today can be made to "hit" well (i.e., sound like shit) by boosting subbass to oblivion...
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    PE also put those chrome speaker spikes on sale this month. Wewt, I can actually take advantage of a sale for something I need.
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If gas was 88 cents a gallon again it would make my life a whole lot easier right now.
  13. JimJ

    ssa icon 15's

    If it's not a dedicated competition vehicle...meh. Not a real big fan of walls in vehicles being driven on a regular basis.
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1TB with an eSATA interface for under $300 is pretty good to me. Should last a while...hopefully...
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822148306 :drools:
  16. JimJ

    Help with home audio setup.....

    If anything, I would replace those HTIB speakers before the sub.
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For Matt... np - Deep Purple - My Woman From Tokyo
  18. JimJ


    "Loud & clean" really isn't going to happen with a head unit internal amp.
  19. JimJ

    I wanna compete in SPL

    Very possible.
  20. JimJ

    12" RE Audio SR Ported Enclosure

    Why is everyone so concerned with how much the sub moves in a ported enclosure? Like it matters...
  21. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Homework, pfft
  22. JimJ

    Do you think???

    You know that's going to make me go out and find something recorded with the 64-foot stop of a pipe organ down to 8Hz, don't you?
  23. JimJ

    Do you think???

    That's an installation problem...given the right setup, it's not pointless Also, once you get below the peak at resonance, impedance is decreasing...but not any more than above Fs.