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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I knew it...
  2. JimJ

    I got suspended form school today.

    For a lot of people I've met, that's being far too generous
  3. JimJ

    brokem in.... now what.

    Not even a little. The only potential caveat I could see are SPL competitors, who sometimes like to send drivers to near Xmech in order to loosen up the suspension faster, if they gain with the spiders/suspension being looser...but if I have a driver rated for 100W of power, and I send 100W of power on it from the day it arrives, it's not going to wear out faster than if I only sent 25W to it the first three months I own it.
  4. JimJ

    brokem in.... now what.

    That analogy doesn't work so well with speakers.
  5. JimJ

    brokem in.... now what.

    Just...keep using them? I've never understood the idea of a separate "break in" period, the speaker breaks in during normal use regardless. I'd also be very careful with playing around with more power, especially when you don't know what your signal looks like now. Simply adding more power is by far the worst way to get louder, you run a much higher chance of sending square waves to your subs than actually noticing a difference by ear...
  6. JimJ

    Get your cheap Oscilloscopes here!

    I'll tell you one place you can find cheap o'scopes and other measurement gear - ham radio swapfests/markets. There'll be one upcoming in Raleigh, NC in about a month...I usually go there for tubes and other small items, but I always see piles of working scopes going for under $100. Sure, there's vacuum-tube based ones you probably should steer clear of, but I see deals like that on solid state stuff too.
  7. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't know the weight difference between the Charger and the Magnum, but Dave's Mag had the 5.7L Hemi and it moved pretty well for something that heavy...
  8. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've always carried a spare, but it's carried underneath so I don't notice it's there Starts back on Tuesday for me...but it might as well be tomorrow, got a shitload of studying to do for an exam on Tues
  9. JimJ


    It's really not ground noise, I know exactly the noise he's talking about, and it happened to me when I hooked the TU300C up to a bench DC power supply, so there couldn't have been a ground loop there IIRC, your amp has a different (better-designed, lower-gain) preamp stage.
  10. JimJ

    I need help powering the BEAST

    And you're telling me the results you're getting other than subbass are much better than that?
  11. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd drive that.
  13. JimJ

    fi ssd12 vs aa arsenal 12

    Personally, I would be adding an amplifier for the front speakers before adding a sub was even considered...
  14. Are you actually concerned about staging or is this just to provide something other than subbass? Usually most "highs and mids" threads I see aren't terribly concerned with the realism of the soundstage...but as stated before, HLCD's are really the best bet. Other names to look into are Illusion Audio, USD...but they're all going to be roughly around that price new, or you could try to find a pair on DIYMA or ECA, they come up every now and then. If you just find the horn bodies, you can buy the drivers seperately from Parts Express, they sell Radian 1.4" compression drivers that work with ID or the other horns.
  15. JimJ

    hello Fi car audio and audio pros..

    Where's the low pass crossover on the amp set?
  16. JimJ

    Car security

    I've always wondered the benefits of tint. Part of me thinks that really dark tint is an invitation in itself - saying "I've got something I want to hide in here, break my windows". Whereas leaving the exterior as stock as possible blends in to the crowd. But expensive-looking wheels and the like are also really good clues...
  17. JimJ

    cd-rw brands that work

    I've never had a JVC, but my Alpine has never had a problem reading Memorex, Philips, Imation, Maxell, or any other brand of CD-RW I've put in it. I'd try a different brand, or maybe try a different burning program...
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That hasn't worked in months...
  19. JimJ

    Fi BTL 12" Sub woofer

    What are you looking for? If all you're doing is listening to rap, should be fine...
  20. JimJ

    Official: Show Off Your Shots Thread!!

    Should never have sold that amp
  21. JimJ

    Official: Show Off Your Shots Thread!!

    Nice DOF & bokeh. I'm looking through some, I'll post in a bit...
  22. JimJ

    New subs

    If your current amp can't power the L7s, it makes no sense to buy another woofer that it can't power either... What I would do is build a proper enclosure for those L7s, get a real amp and I'm sure you'll think differently of it...
  23. JimJ


    sometimes i drift while birthday
  24. JimJ

    I got suspended form school today.

    High school is not worth getting into fights over.
  25. JimJ

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    This weekend my ass is in the my woodshop down here finishing my BIB's, hopefully Hicks can hang onto it until next weekend when I'm back in VA