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Everything posted by JoshM20

  1. JoshM20

    What has your local car audio shop been up to?

    Yea I would think once you start doing it for a check it becomes work, I always like to help people with anything for no charge, but if I had to do it daily I think I would get pretty burnt out.
  2. How would I find out if I have a Unibody car? Can I look at it and tell or do I need to dig up some info on it?
  3. I'm using 1/0 gauge, I just don't feel like taking out the seats to run it down the middle. I plan on deading it later on, so maybe I will just groud it to the frame and when I do that I will add the other run of gauge. Thx Josh
  4. Ok New Question guys, I have never hooked up a system with two batts, Do I need to a wire from both leads up front or can I use the Ground to act as a negative lead?
  5. JoshM20

    Josh's Mazda Overhaul

    So Today was kind of a let down. Due to weather we had to start late, ended up having to go over to my gramps to use his gargage. Then checked out the factory HU and no rca spots, Didn't wanna splice into the lines just for a week so I left it in there and got some wiring done. I may take out the seats if I have to run another line of gauge but I'm really not sure how to wire up 2 batts, so I just got this done so far.
  6. JoshM20

    The Low Canadian Dollar

    i'm sure he is deff taking in new orders. I was gonna make one myself but I think it's gonna be a tricky build for what I need.
  7. JoshM20

    The Low Canadian Dollar

    You takin orders?
  8. so what is the point of a batcap? I know what they do, but why would you get one of those over a battery? Because they discharge faster? Or do they?
  9. Hi guys, Can anyone suggest a good flip up touch screen unit. Just looking for something thats decent and will look good in the car Josh
  10. JoshM20

    Josh's Mazda Overhaul

    When I got in a wreck I had two of them on my friends 4 12's and when I was in the hospital my dad went and took pics of the wreck and didn't know what the amps were and chunked them. LoL I didn't even relise it till like 2 months later.
  11. JoshM20

    Lovin tha bass, but is it worth it?

    nevermind ... how would you make your speakers active?
  12. JoshM20

    Josh's Mazda Overhaul

    Ok guys, Got some more gear in, I will be putting this in Friday along with some stand in subs, My Head Unit and Fi BL's should be here middle next week and I will start building the box for them. But here are some pics of the gears and I took some pics of some amps I had laying around the house, other than the sundown it is going in the car, I had some kickers but they got thrown away
  13. A batcap is easier on your stock alt right? Or am I confused about that.
  14. JoshM20

    Back pack speakers

    Nah I think my dad got them for me as a joke. But I pimped that chit out, at caff.
  15. JoshM20

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To sum up, it's because of your sleep cycle. The grogginess and taking forever to truly wake up is a result of waking from the wrong stage of sleep. IIRC the normal person is on a 3 hour cycle, meaning it's best to get 3,6,or 9 hrs of sleep. but this varies hugely depending on the person. btw you can google the sleep cycles and see the different stages, i think there's 4. been a while since i've had that class There's actually a building nature on each sleep cycle, IIRC. I think it's like, for example, in your first cycle you have 90 minutes of stage 1-3 sleep, then 15 minutes of REM. Then on the next cycle, you maybe only have 80 minutes of stage 1-3 sleep, then 25 minutes of REM. It's something like that I believe. I just wish I could remember exactly. And I've always heard that you should sleep either less than 15 minutes or over 90. If you sleep under 15 minutes you don't get into deep sleep, which is when you feel groggy if you wake up in the middle of it. But after 90 minutes you've gone through a full cycle, and that's sort of a hump to go over in terms of waking alertness. But I would agree, you're just waking up in the wrong stage. But I do have a question for you, and that is when you sleep less than 5 hours are you tired earlier at night? If so, then that 5 hours isn't enough for you. What you really need to do is sleep until you naturally wake up. Do that a couple nights in a row to make up any sleep debt you may have, and on the last night however much you sleep is how much sleep you probably need every night. For me, I know I am getting enough sleep when I wake up naturally right before my alarm goes off. Actually I think it may just be that my internal clock is so good that it knows, and it hates the sound of my alarm as much as my conscious self does . But when I maybe cheat on getting to bed on time a couple nights in a row, I sleep until the alarm. Yea, I actually get naturally tired pretty early, anywhere from 9-10:30 but my schedule is so full I end up staying up till around 2-3 every night and waking up at 7. Not enough hours in the day =\ When I go to sleep when I feel I need to I have much better days and I wake up alot easier and feeling way more aware. But when I have to always force my self to stay awake, I end up getting restless and not being able to sleep.
  16. JoshM20

    Back pack speakers

    Dude, Peep this, In 2nd grade I had not only a back pack with speackers but i had a LUNCH box with speakers also!!!! beat that?
  17. JoshM20


    where do you get one of those electronic volt meters I see in peoples car. Like big jons and others.
  18. JoshM20


    Yea, all I really know is where to get them. An Installer suggested that I would need atleast one and maybe 2... But I dunno if he was being true or just trying to sell me crap =/
  19. So should I get a batcap? or a capcitor? Or see how it runs for now with the two batts and save up for a H/O Alt.
  20. JoshM20


    I'm up in the air about getting one of these aswell, I would like to hear some of the input also
  21. JoshM20

    Lovin tha bass, but is it worth it?

    If you wanna throw some tweeters in the back, just snatch the 2 off your backpack instead of buying more ... that's awesome IMO, I had a pimped out bike when I was 13-14... It was decked out with tweets, 6x9's and a lil 6 i think haha
  22. so what's the point of running another battery?
  23. JoshM20

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will let you rent a room at my place U can jam whenever! J/k