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Everything posted by JoshM20

  1. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    If you are going to deaden, I would get Damplifier Pro over normal Damplifier. Yea, and if I were going to take a chit, I would rather do it in a gold toilet, not a porcelain one. But obviously it's my budget that keeps me from doin it.... Okay, well how much would you like to allocate for deadening? around 200-250
  2. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    If you are going to deaden, I would get Damplifier Pro over normal Damplifier. Yea, and if I were going to take a chit, I would rather do it in a gold toilet, not a porcelain one. But obviously it's my budget that keeps me from doin it.... ahh suck my balls chat chit lolololz
  3. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    so is the regular second skin damplifier, thicker than the RM? that is I AM AN IDIOT AND I CANNOT SPELL PROBABLY my biggest question
  4. JoshM20

    Looking for Tweeters and Speakers

    I need to actually find something that can handle around 100 rms.... Maybe I could use these on my RF 2 channel amp, It only does around 75 @ 4 ohm, but I think the pg's were 2ohm when I looked them up.
  5. Hey guys, Just wondering if you could give me some insight on this. When I start to play a new song the front speakers start playing about half a second before the rear ones... The front ones are on an amp, the rear ones are going into the HU... any idea on this?
  6. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    Hushmats? Is that another brand or are you saying just use the foam on the floor in the cabin.
  7. Hey guys, Just wondering if you think I may have made a mistake with the 2 15's I am trying to squeeze into my car, I have a decent amount or room to play with... but do you think I should have went with 2 12's instead? Or do you think I should just throw the power at em and let it ride... My box will be around 8 cubes. My trunk is actually around 17-18 cubes, it's just that it has a tiny opening... do you think there will still be enough room for the air to move around in it... Thx Josh
  8. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    Do you mean that second skin damplifier is far thicker or the damp. pro? I tryed to look at the thickness's and I can't really find a good answer to judge them, So if I were to get the regular damplifier or the RM, you would suggest the reg damplifier over it? Or were you talking about the pro? Also do you think 1 sheet of the ensolite will be enough?
  9. JoshM20

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah liking it is a matter or taste, but you have to respect a fast car, no matter how it gets down the track. what is not respected is 4 bangers w/ fart mufflers... Or just some grandma import running 16.4x and talking chit to a LS1 Truck only to get stomped. I agree completely. those bastages gave us a bad rep, specially after F&F came out. But mine is a track car only now, the prodrive spool in my tranny wouldn't allow me to drive it on the street anyway. I never liked the sound of exhaust on it, I've always ran open, currently mine is dumping out behind the driver side slick, or about 20 inches of downpipe after the turbine side exducer. The class I run is proam, I have to run stock dash,doors,factory glass,no wheelie bars,no methanol etc. Basically a street trim car. We are allowed two power adders and unlimited engine mods. I've always felt there was two groups: 1. Us, meaning real/or true performance imports. 2. The Fast & furious group of crap. ghey wings,bodykits,colors, fart cans etc. I have a F.A.S.T. engine management w/ software and communication cable if anyone is interested in a stand alone system. Uses GM style plugs for sensors. So if a car has a body kit it falls under the fast and the furious to you? Or are you saying ppl that rice up their cars with looks and chit exhaust and no real performance upgrades? it does to me, unless there's a real reason for the body kit, which 999,999:1,000,000 times is not the case. So there is no performance car to you unless it's a muscle car?
  10. JoshM20

    Looking for Tweeters and Speakers

    I have a set of 6.5's in the front door, I was thinking of getting 5x7 for the rear doors or putting 6x9's on the rear deck.. You think I should still go for 6.5's in the back? I just want to be able to hear my highs with some authority, I will have 2 15's in the back and 2 8's up front for midbass aswell 6.5's should be used throughout. cool sounds good, do you have any input on 6.5's? Thx Josh
  11. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    Where do you put the foam? All over? Can anyone suggest a good amount to order? foam that is~ thx
  12. JoshM20

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah liking it is a matter or taste, but you have to respect a fast car, no matter how it gets down the track. what is not respected is 4 bangers w/ fart mufflers... Or just some grandma import running 16.4x and talking chit to a LS1 Truck only to get stomped. I agree completely. those bastages gave us a bad rep, specially after F&F came out. But mine is a track car only now, the prodrive spool in my tranny wouldn't allow me to drive it on the street anyway. I never liked the sound of exhaust on it, I've always ran open, currently mine is dumping out behind the driver side slick, or about 20 inches of downpipe after the turbine side exducer. The class I run is proam, I have to run stock dash,doors,factory glass,no wheelie bars,no methanol etc. Basically a street trim car. We are allowed two power adders and unlimited engine mods. I've always felt there was two groups: 1. Us, meaning real/or true performance imports. 2. The Fast & furious group of crap. ghey wings,bodykits,colors, fart cans etc. I have a F.A.S.T. engine management w/ software and communication cable if anyone is interested in a stand alone system. Uses GM style plugs for sensors. So if a car has a body kit it falls under the fast and the furious to you? Or are you saying ppl that rice up their cars with looks and chit exhaust and no real performance upgrades?
  13. JoshM20

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Life really kick you in the balls when your down... I was feeling chitty today so I went to an internship interview... well I was giving them my information... anyway while I was there I saw my Ex and I just melted I went and talked to her and we caught up a lil bit but we are supose to go get lunch tomorrow.... I am so depressed and happy at the same time... had to tell someone, so sorry for bein a woman about this.
  14. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    Where do you put the foam? All over?
  15. JoshM20


    OH great :clap: i am geting myself a Fi.BL 15'' yuppy.. anyone up for a drink Thanks Joshm20...Now for a next question... how long does it take after ordering? Ok I sent my payment on October 10th, 08. It was shipped to me on the 22nd and I recieved it on the 28th.. And I'm always down for a cold one
  16. JoshM20


    34 lbs on the UPS tag
  17. JoshM20

    Looking for Tweeters and Speakers

    I have a set of 6.5's in the front door, I was thinking of getting 5x7 for the rear doors or putting 6x9's on the rear deck.. You think I should still go for 6.5's in the back? I just want to be able to hear my highs with some authority, I will have 2 15's in the back and 2 8's up front for midbass aswell
  18. JoshM20

    Looking for Tweeters and Speakers

    I scoped out the RF, Eclipse, Infinity and Pioneer 6x9's ... I guess I will look into one of these...
  19. JoshM20


    I have a fully loaded 15" BL sittin in the box, I have not even taken it out yet. I can weigh it for you when I get back from my job interview... gimme about an hour or so.
  20. JoshM20

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    awesome, Jacob you have more expierince with this, how many should I put in the cabin? I never had 8's for midbass before.
  21. JoshM20

    Car dampening?

    any advice guys? trying to order today.
  22. JoshM20

    HU Delay?

    That is what I was thinking too, this should be eliminated when I get an amp on all my speakers correct?
  23. JoshM20

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    sounds nice and complicated... So I need to get the 100.4 and a 125.2 ? Do you think 2 of these in the cab would be good midbass ? I was thinking either glass them at the kick or on top of the rear deck... So I need to get an "active" crossover? is that like when ppl say "go active" should i order one of those?
  24. JoshM20

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    LoL, yea my question was pretty stupid now that I look back. I hope this one isn't quite as bad. If I have subs hooked up it the car 2 15's they are running from a 1200D, the rca is coming from the sub output. Now I wanna hook up atleast 2 of the 8's in the front cabin along with all my speakers 6.5's tweeters and 6x9's... So do I run these from the amp with the highs? Do i need a crossover? Do i need another amp run through the highs amp to run them? I'm kinda lost there...
  25. JoshM20

    Did I make a mistake with the 15" BL's?

    So how should I have the box ported? which direction? How would I seal it off?