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Everything posted by JoshM20

  1. JoshM20

    Need advice on Highs

    Hey everyone, I Ordered 2 Fi Q 15's and 2 SAE-1200D amps, Now I am Looking to get an amp(if needed) to throw on the highs and I want to change the factory highs out and put in some 6.5's Can anyone suggest good Compnent highs and a good amp to run them, This is all going into a 08 Mazda6 Thx Josh
  2. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    Are you planning on dying any time soon? I can see it happening, I been in the ICU 3 times in a year and a half.
  3. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    I have been looking around a while and going back and forth, I think I have narrowed it down to 3 sub types. The Fi Q and BL 15's or the Elemental Designs 16Ov.2 subs, I am going to put these into an 08 Mazda6 and I am looking for good SPL with a nice tight SQ. That is why I have narrowed it down to these models. I would like some opinions on the difference in the Q and BL's and if anyone has experience with the ED and how they would compare to the Fi Subs. Also Which amp should I get 2 run these? I was looking at a AQ2200D and an orion d2400 , any others I should look into or work well with these? I would like to order these ASAP, any help/opinions would be greatly apreciated. Thx Josh
  4. JoshM20

    box question

    thats sales representatives for ya lol dont listen to em X2!!! They just try to pawn chit off on you. I went to local shops today and argued with every owner that there were better companys then mainstream ones. I can't tell you how many times I got told that kenwood and alpine had the best components and mtx,kenwood,and the type r's were the best subs, LoL, I just turned around and dipped.
  5. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    I probably won't be around in ten years.
  6. JoshM20

    Help me Build a Box

    hibbidy hop
  7. JoshM20

    Help me Build a Box

    Hey everyone, I am going to build a box for 2 Fi Q 10's and I would like to know your opinion on the best bex cubic feet and design wise, to get the absolute best SQ, and should I have it sealed or vented? If vented, how should it be tuned for the best SQ. I want these 10's to have a really, Tight, Bass sound.
  8. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    Ive got 18 cubic feet to work with + some, I think I can get them in there no problem, But I may just put 1 in for now and play with some designs, I'm playin with some 10's aswell.
  9. JoshM20

    Help me Build a Box

    I will even give you the benefit of the doubt, after looking back to my wording, how I posted the question may have confused people. What I meant by subract by 2 was 1 cubic foot is = too 12x12x12 each 12 or variable representing height, depth, and width. Now if your sub specified that you need 1 cubic ft of airspace you would have to calculate this into the design. Example. If you use 1/2'' MDF and built the box 12x12x12 the (Outside) of the box (what you can see and feel) will take up 1 Cubic foot of airspace. Yet the (Inside or Chamber) would only be around .77 or so cubic ft of airspace (inside) the box. So when I asked to subtract by 2 I meant the width of the MDF per variable. So I can maybe see where you might have not understood my question, maybe? Anyways, I believe this is the correct way to find the (Inside) airspace, If not, let me know how, this is just how I was told to calculate it. Thx Josh
  10. JoshM20

    Help me Build a Box

    That's what I was told, Sorry for asking, to double check. I'm sure everyone here was born with the knowlege of building box's, and calculating cubic feet inside the box.
  11. JoshM20

    Help me Build a Box

    sounds good, and when you calculate cubic feet inside the box you subtract the thickness of the mdf twice dont you?
  12. JoshM20

    SAE-1200D PRE-ORDER OPEN - $350

    Just recieved my SAE-1200D.. Man that was crazy fast shipping, 1day! I must say I am blown away at this amp, It showed up at my house about 30 minutes ago and I was extremely impressed in its packaging. Then when I finally got the amp in my hands I could not have been more happy, these things are built great! I am extremely happy I was able to get this amp! Sundown ftw! Josh
  13. JoshM20

    Need advice on Highs

    My budget.... Well there really isnt one, and my goals are to have a great sounding car I'm gettin 2 15's so I need the highs to hang with it. I still have the factorys in it, so no matter what it will sound better when I replace but I would rather do it right the 1st time then have to redo it in a year.
  14. JoshM20

    Need advice on Highs

    You can't run interior speakers on the same amp as the subwoofers. They need their own. Thx, I thought that I just wasnt 100%, It's been a long time since I had a system, So I just want to get it right >< Thx! Josh
  15. JoshM20

    Need advice on Highs

    Yea, The only thing to demo around here is the crap they try and push on you, infinity,pioneer,kenwood, and so on. All the mainstream items. I AM A go around and look at some today, see if I can find anywhere that carries some of the mentioned items.
  16. JoshM20

    Need advice on Highs

    thx! I always apreciate the advice, Should I look into getting an amp for the highs or run them off the sundowns?
  17. JoshM20

    SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    I'm definitly gonna pick one of these up!!
  18. JoshM20

    Thought I'd share this with you guys

    what are you talking about X2! I read that and went and looked at the pictures again for why he said that! I'm still clueless... I'm pretty sure he is talking about the 16 subs. haha
  19. pretty much straight foward, I am getting 2 Q 15's and I am up in the air between these 2 amps, they are both around the same price and I was wondering some of your opinions on which will push/sound the best with the 15's. Also what is the BP option when you order the 15's? Thx Josh
  20. When I order the subs, should i get the D1 or D2's? which would be best for the amp/subs.
  21. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    LoL Sorry! I meant the most SQ from those brands of 15's , which sounded better between the two. I apologize for that. I can see now how that would be distracting. Very sorry for the confussion Josh
  22. Yea I will be gettin a new amp. What is the BP option on the 15's in the ordering menu?
  23. JoshM20

    SAE-1200D PRE-ORDER OPEN - $350

    Hey Sundownz, Can you sign me up for one of these, I'm going to send you an e-mail to the sundownz addy provided in your first post to double check with you on the paypal, I'm not 100% on how to get that done. =/ Lemme know If I need to do anything else and if I can still get this amp for 350 Much appreciated Josh
  24. JoshM20

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    well I made that thread and then when I went to look at it again it had post from a different thread in it It had like the first three post's from someone talking about switching from 6 sub too two 15's and I didn't know if it was just me seeing it or if it was other people aswell, bc I made that thread but it said someone else did and some of the post were to mine and others were to the switch, So i was confused on if maybe something was messed up with my IP or if the two threads somehow got combined, So I just added the information on here. It says Donnie-Mullin made the thread, which I made, and this is exactly how I see it. Donnie-Mullin I have a 2002 Ford Explorer with dimensions of Front to Back - 36" Left to Right - 45*1/2" Height - 19" I currently am running 6 13w1v2's off of 2 Kicker ZX1500.1 and I am looking to get to 15" and narrowed my options to the 15" BL's. I am wondering what size box I should get and what I should have it tuned too. My box now is the exact dimensions that I've given above. I plan on putting 1 Kicker ZX1500.1 to each of the 15". I like the real low bass as in Young Jeezy, Gorilla Zoe, Lil John...etc but I wanna make sure that my highs are also good. Any idea on what I should get the box tuned too? Are the BL's a good replacement for the 6 that I have in there now? Any info would be appreciated BKOLFO4 View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts Yesterday, 02:30 PM Post #2 Regular Member Group: Members Posts: 771 Joined: 23-May 06 Skin: Stone22 (Import) Member No.: 1,530 You have (6) 13W1's and you are going to replace them with (2) 15" BL's? You are cutting your cone area to almost 1/3. . . . Are the w1's sealed or ported? You going to port the BL's??? I would think about (4) 15" SSD's ported if you could make the new box 20-21" tall. HARDCORE CUSTOMS Authorized Ascendant Audio Dealer Work in process: 1992 Astro Van 250 amp MechMan alt, (14) Optima D31T and (1) 34/78 yellow tops (6) Ascendant Audio Mayhem 15's, (6) Incriminator Audio 40.1 amps 24 ft^3, tuned to 34 Hz with 386 sqin of port area Then It starts with the First post of mine as post #4 although I created the thread. So I was a little confused to say the least.