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About black_panther_2005

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  • Birthday 02/20/1987

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  • Location
    Ft. Branch, Indiana
  1. black_panther_2005

    Need a box

    The Height to the 6x9s are 15 1/2 in. The Width is 38 1/2 in. from my wheel wells From the back of the seat to the 6x9 is 4 1/2 to the seat to the front is 9 1/2. From the wheel well to the 6x9 is 5 in. to 10 in. The distance between the speakers are 19 3/4 in. The Model # is Alum 15Q and the other is Alum 15X the difference is 2001 series and 2003 series. They both have 1000 watts on the back, So if that helps you any. The set-up is whatever you can do to make it the loudest inside the car. I'm just a daily driver but i want it as loud as possible. I will have a 1000watt crunch amp, I dont have it let but i will in a couple of weeks. I listen to a little of every music rap, rock, hip hop, ect. If you need any more info let me know. By the way how much do you think this will cost? Thanks, Derek
  2. black_panther_2005

    Need a box

    Well i was just wanting a wood box covered with carpet and i wanted it to sit back into my trunk because where my subs are now i cant fit them under my 6x9's and i need someone to design where the box fits around them and sitting against the back of my set. I also have 2 15" audiobahn subs that will be in the box. I live in Indiana by the way. So just let me know what you can do. thank
  3. black_panther_2005

    Need a box

    I have a 94 grand am I was wondering if there was anyway possible someone could make a box for it.
  4. black_panther_2005

    Newbie here

    I found this site on www.caraudio.com and I just thought i would find out if this site could help me with some of my car audio problems and questions. OH by the way my name is Derek...Hope to learn some new things here...LATA