The Height to the 6x9s are 15 1/2 in. The Width is 38 1/2 in. from my wheel wells From the back of the seat to the 6x9 is 4 1/2 to the seat to the front is 9 1/2. From the wheel well to the 6x9 is 5 in. to 10 in. The distance between the speakers are 19 3/4 in. The Model # is Alum 15Q and the other is Alum 15X the difference is 2001 series and 2003 series. They both have 1000 watts on the back, So if that helps you any. The set-up is whatever you can do to make it the loudest inside the car. I'm just a daily driver but i want it as loud as possible. I will have a 1000watt crunch amp, I dont have it let but i will in a couple of weeks. I listen to a little of every music rap, rock, hip hop, ect. If you need any more info let me know. By the way how much do you think this will cost? Thanks, Derek