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About Ryancoats

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  • Location
    Fort Worth, texas
  • Vehicle
    2008 Dodge Ram 1500 st 4 door

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  1. Ryancoats


    Probably get in trouble but I need to sell asap so I can start on my new system
  2. Ryancoats


    lol alright. I'm thinking of changing up everything going from sundown to DD. So I'm looking for some DD 12s 4 ohm and doesn't matter what series and the M2 or M3 series amp. Looking for the best deal either new or used but in great shape. Please let me know what you have. Also I have 4 sundown SA 8s v3 d4 subs in a custom console with a sundown SCV-2000D amp for sale or trade. Everything is maybe 4 months old and in great condition. Please let me know what you got thanks. Here is pics
  3. Ryancoats


    Oh ok. I'll keep looking for what I need
  4. Ryancoats


    I have a quick question. Not trying to be negative in any way I promise, but why do you have to wait until you comment on other post 25 times before you can post anything?
  5. Ryancoats


    Thanks guys.
  6. Ryancoats


    Hello guys I'm new to this forum
  7. Ryancoats

    WTB DD Car audio

    I'm thinking of changing up everything going from sundown to DD. So I'm looking for some DD 12s 4 ohm and doesn't matter what series and the M2 or M3 series amp. Looking for the best deal either new or used but in great shape. Please let me know what you have. Also I have 4 sundown SA 8s v3 d4 subs in a custom console with a sundown SCV-2000D amp for sale or trade. Everything is maybe 4 months old and in great condition. Please let me know what you got thanks. Here is a pic of the subs and amp.
  8. Looking for some 6.5 components speakers for front and back. Looking for the best deal not looking to spend a whole lot. Thanks