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Everything posted by ftj_85

  1. ftj_85

    s10 ext cab upgrade! wut?

    no i built it has double 3/4 baffle, did have 2-10 re audio sex d2 and those pounded for what they are. not sure whats happen its like certain songs it hits lows and then other songs the beats sound distorted and so far ive got subs too loosen up too
  2. ftj_85

    s10 ext cab upgrade! wut?

    have not got a extra battery , could i use one currently? im going to need alot of work for louder system
  3. ftj_85

    s10 ext cab upgrade! wut?

    Deck pioneer 7200hd, front stage 4x6 kicker off headunit, doors with tweets mounted in door panels facing best axis I could do with kenwood kfc709 with kenwood kac5206 amp, using 2gauge welding cable to amp and is wired to 165amp alternator ad244 with big three upgrade with welding cable, rca cables belva? cheap rca so may need to upgrade them. Subwoofer box is 3.14cub ft gross with 2" wide x 13" deep with subs firing up and port up. Its not much of a system
  4. ftj_85

    sq hds210? Help with concerns

    Thanks for welcoming me to forum, Yeh i went ahead and ordered them before this post so ill just see what 100$ subs will do.. Hopefully better then lets say kicker compvr or something like that lol