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Everything posted by Enellz

  1. Enellz

    which btl does meade use?

    This is my sentence much shorter. However my advice would be to never base a sub off a YouTube video. Alot of people do them, but truely they don't do anything good. It's mostly on the camera how hard a subs 'hit' or sound. Nothing like hearing it in person.
  2. Enellz

    which btl does meade use?

    Yes he does use BTL, but their made to go with his ohm load from his amps. Go to the website and read about thier options, but Im sure you will need daily since your not doing any competitions Im guessing. Also what amp are you running, and at what ohm load? That will decide on what Dual voice coil to get. So getting the exact sub in the sense, might not fit what ever your using to push sub. Remember these things are rated 2000rms plus, so if you plan on running 2K, make sure you have upgraded electrical to support the amp current. But what are your plans, what car (18s usually need about 7 cubic feet), amp, electric, etc
  3. Enellz

    SAZ-4500D Pre-Sale

    I cannot wait to see some new builds with it
  4. Enellz

    Samsung LED 55" PS3 photo :)

    Thats the next tv I plan on upgrading to from my 42" Philips. You have any pix of the tv with blu ray?
  5. Your pushing almost 5 K. Having one battery in the back will not due. weight will be an issue, because two batteries at the least, are need for that much power If weight is a concerned I would just go with a 3k Amp. for that my advice is 2 batteries in the back, a decent size in the front, Big 3 in O guage, HO alternator (230 at the least), and at least 3 runs of 0g to the back IMO. Better to be safe than light...
  6. Enellz

    New Sundown "E" Woofer Line Sneak Preview

    Excellent excellent price range. Thats pretty much the wsweet spot for alot folks
  7. Well maybe we can do the test again in another car due to my HU preouts sucking. Then go from there.
  8. My Preouts on my HU unit sucks, even with a new ground so testing the Sundown wasnt very informative at all, Even after I redid the grounds. I'll redo them again today and see if it still happens. No more Pioneers for me
  9. Hmm that shouldn't be dimming at all. Check your grounds. Make sure it hits bare metal, and if it is not then sand it down to bare metal. Also do the Big 3 to increase current to the back battery and amp.
  10. Enellz

    chop's build log

    Damn man, I didn't know this was YOUR build lol. Crazy, and I just meet you today lol. Next meet we may have you have to bring this down to Louisville to demo it.
  11. Enellz

    PEAK power

    Peak is a sales scheme you see in store, but to figure out its true power handling only go off the RMS rating. The same goes for amps, Decks, and subs. BTW the do 2000rms, so I hope you have a nice size amp for it. '2000' watts PEAK, isnt 2000rms lol
  12. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Just talked to Jacob thru email, gave me in answer in less than two minutes lol. Thanks everyone for you input
  13. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Im hoping he can just chime in here. Im not going to start my build process for at least another two months. Then again I could just wire it to 1.5 ohms parralel, but with the rise that'll be more likely at two ohms
  14. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Jacob can you input on this?
  15. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Read the responses, derrick already answered that: From derrick: 'Three dual 1ohm subs wired in a series/parallel configuration will result in a 0.67ohm nominal impedance. DCR should be 0.4-0.5ohm. We've had great success running Sundown amps there daily but keep in mind that when wiring below 1ohm current draw goes up. A solid electrical is a must have. If it was me personally I wouldn't hesitate to run any of my Sundown amps @ 0.67 daily.' just wanted another opnion
  16. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    No their AQs on a SD 3000D. My question now though was if I had another 12 inch sub to make a total of 3, it'll be a final load of about .67 ohms before rise. So will this damage my amp for daily
  17. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    how are you calculating this rise? A friend and me checked it a few weeks ago. As I don't remember the exact number but I know it was close to two ohms. I would of checked today but it's raining... Thats what I figured. My electric in my new car will consist of a 250 amp alternator, A HC1800 upfront and a HC2400 in the back. Two runs of 1/0g postive to the back, maybe three. Depends on other matters.
  18. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Looks like I have no choice but to run it at 1 ohms. I was trying to stay away from 2 15s and the recond price from 12s
  19. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    Your DMM reading is DCR... but you may have lead resistance. So first touch the leads together and remember that reading and subtract that from what it tells you on the coil. Cool, I'll do that and post the results after I get off work
  20. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    I'm not sure I'm just trying to combat this huge ohm rise to 2 ohms. Can you check that with a DMM Jacob, I have one if possible
  21. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    ignore my newbiness on ohm loads lol, but all I have is .66 on the diagram for 3 12 inch dual ones. I have no idea what DCR means
  22. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    well let me ask you this with me getting 3 12s all at one ohm I believe it'll be around .66 ohms. Is that safe?
  23. Enellz

    Running 3000D at .25

    of course. But my main goal is just going to check my rise on my amp. Since its close to two when wired at 1.3 ohms, I know Im not reaching my full potentila on this amp
  24. Enellz

    a few electrical questions

    Ok couple of things: that fusion amp WILL NOT give you 3000 watts not even on its best of days. if it has 4x40 amp fuses. that 160amps. to figure out wattage out OHMS LAW-- voltage x amperage. let's figure a good voltage of 14.5 -- 14.5 x 160 amps= 2320 watts total. seeing how your probably won't get 14.5 volts constant. it wll be even lower. the run from the front battery to the back battery should be fused twice, one as close to the front battery and the second as close to the back battery as you can. second if you can get zero gauge into the amp.DO IT! Third. You have to do the big three in all zero gauge if possible Fourth. NO ISOLATOR!. in my experience they add resistance and they are not needed unless you plan on bumping while the car is off and you want to spare your starter battery and i wouldn't suggest that. ok thanks i know it wont run 3000W, i just said that so people know which one i am talking about i am working on the big three now the amp will barely hold 4 gauge wire, so do i need to run 1/0 to an adapter? Get a reducer
  25. Enellz

    Fi Btl Popping

    Sending it more watts than what it's rated shouldn't effect it to where it's 'popping'. Either it's bottoming out, or you need to ground your RCAs or get some new ones what deck are you using. I had a popping sound on my AQs and found out the ground on my RCA output from my deck was lose.