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Billy Jack

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Everything posted by Billy Jack

  1. Billy Jack

    mmats mpa2300?

    Yes you could do that. I would gain match them the best you can by ear, and it should give you a little more output. I have done the same thing with temporary amps, and it sounded fine to me just as long as the boxes are tuned the same.
  2. Billy Jack

    Frequency vs hertz

    Just reading up on the subject. A guy had me tune his system last night and when I was setting his crossovers he asked me about the frequency/hertz thing and what it meant. I knew it was concerning the frequency but didn't know exactly how. Poor guy had his amp gain at 100%, bass boast at 0, sub cut off at 350 htz. I turned the gain to about 60%, cut the sub off at 60htz, and set the bass boost to about 25%. Sounded a lot less distorted and lower, even for a crunch 3000.1, and Memphis subs, the thin series.
  3. Billy Jack

    Frequency vs hertz

    I'm reading, and listening, to a engineer explain time domain/frequency domain, as it pertains to designing a audio system. As far as I can understand, they use hertz as a measurement to calculate the frequency and milliseconds as a measurement to do their mathmatical equations to determine a sign wave as it pertains to frequency and time. Maybe I worded that wrong but it's the best I can do until I study some more, just trying to figure out the basic principals of it and what it all means. Complex stuff.
  4. Billy Jack

    Frequency vs hertz

    I'm over my head in what I'm reading. (Frequency domain/time domain), I'm trying to understand it but it's some complex stuff to figure out on your own, without someone dumbing it down for you.
  5. Billy Jack


  6. Billy Jack

    Frequency vs hertz

    And what measurement do they use to measure time domain (milleseconds)? I think I'm understanding this right.
  7. Billy Jack

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Looks like she doubled up on the depends!
  8. Billy Jack

    230 DCV Car Audio Build

    Really, where at I have been looking for some decent shows, the one's around here in Corbin KY, are ghetto and barely anyone shows up.
  9. Billy Jack

    Frequency vs hertz

    Lmao, no I'm not trolling. Someone asked me, and I honestly didn't know if there was a difference, or if it was the same thing. So let me get this strait, if someone says 40hz, that's just another way of saying that's the frequency? Just to clear thing up I will explain. I have built many, many, systems over the years and competed in meca in the 90's, but a buddy of mine who went to Virgina tech, taught me what I know, so I know how to build, tune, and the basics of audio, I'm just trying to learn the science behind it. Most of the technical stuff I know, I learned from him, or read bull spit online, and who knows if half of that is correct. So if some of my questions sound dumb that's why, I know the how to, but not all of the why. I hope this clears things up, cause I truly just want to learn, and grow my hobby and business, I sometimes do installs at the shop if I have no other work.
  10. Billy Jack

    230 DCV Car Audio Build

    What part of tenn. you in or was that just where you competed? I'm on the Kentucky/Tennessee border and I used to compete in meca back in the early mid 90's.
  11. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    Even better, do you like blow through's or would you rather have a wall?
  12. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    He said he already had a 5500 watt amp, a amp for highs, mids, CD player that's fully active capable, so $2000 for 4 evil 12's, then maybe another $1k for another amp, and that would leave a thousand for highs, mids, box, and a couple of more batts, assuming he already had a ho alt, and a couple of batts from his other install. And this is only if he is doing all the work hisself of course. Just a thought.
  13. Billy Jack

    mmats mpa2300?

    Your welcome, and yes MMats is one of the best made, even there second best series of amps are nice. If my 13w7 wasn't 3ohm, that's what I would Be using.
  14. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    $4k and a good 6th order blow through would be plenty to do hair tricks. Nice bed full of Evils would do the trick.
  15. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    Yes motor force is the biggest factor, but cone area does matter to, or everyone would just be running 8's. Helps to have as much of both as possible.
  16. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    I was just agreeing with frog, he said Evils, so I agreed and added I have seen 2 18's do really good hair tricks, I wasn't nessesarily saying he has to have 18's to do what he wants. But I will say, I always tried to use as few drivers as possible, and get as much cone area as possible. I used to think like Ohio that different subs would yield different sound, then I learned it's 90% tuning.
  17. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    Wasn't talking about you, your question was valid.
  18. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    I said 4 would do a hair trick if he didn't care to do a wall, and I was thinking about a normal install in a truck like his which without a huge wall will fit 2-3 12's, and some people still think the size of the sub determines how low, or high, it will play, that's what it sounded like to me, so I suggested as much cone area as he can get. And I'm not a troll. Just because I don't kiss your !ss, or agree with everything you say, doesn't make me a troll.
  19. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    And to do a decent hair trick, and be musical at the same time, your gonna need to do at least a 150db+. That's really hard to do on a couple of twelves, now if you don't care to build a wall, and run like 4 zcon, or evil 12's, then you could do it, but if you want to keep your back seat, and just run 2 12's, it's gonna be hard to stay musical, and reach high enough db's to do decent hair tricks.
  20. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    Dude said hair tricks so it was relevant. You guys are just pissed cause I have my own opinion and want suck your arseho the way these young noobs do.
  21. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    I suggested the biggest subs possible, because I believe he thinks the size of the sub deter mains how low it's gonna hit, or how it's gonna sound, which it doesn't, it's all in how it's tuned. A 18 can hit higher then a 12 in the right box, and a 12 can hit lower then a 18 in the right box. That and it's gonna be real hard to do hair tricks with 2 12's. I have seen it done but not on 5k watts. And it was just an opinion, take it or leave it, if he likes. And this is why no one respects you j, cause you feel only your opinion matters, and your used to noobs taking what you say as fact. This is a open forum for enthusiast, if you don't like someone's opinion why not just read on and ignore it.
  22. Billy Jack

    New system advice.

    2 18 inch evils on that 5500 should do some decent hair tricks. And I haven't tried the evil mids, but everybody on here seems to like them pretty good, Arron did say they where not a dedicated home, or car mid, they where just his take on a good speaker. And you should let what air space you can get, determine what size subs you use. You want as much cone area as possible, and use the biggest woofers possible. Are you looking to do a wall, or do you want to keep the back seat in the truck?
  23. Billy Jack

    mmats mpa2300?

    Yea some around here don't respect another man's opinion, and feel their opinion's are facts, which they are not to anyone but them. But it's all good. And those mmats are hard to beat, even if it's not their top model. That's still a $600-$700 amp new, and I guarantee it will have some great sq, and probably get pretty loud if you want it to.
  24. Billy Jack

    mmats mpa2300?

    Nice amp I like anything mmats. And it's 300x2@4ohm, 575x2@2ohm, 1100x1@4ohm bridged. And that would be plenty of power for a couple gcons, or a single icon. You don't have to have, max rms to make a sub sound good, and reach its Xmax. And for a daily, I wouldn't run it below recommended impedance. Mmats is a known under rater, so I'm sure it could push 2 icons just fine. If it where me, I would push 2 icons in a big ported box at 2ohm, should sound great.
  25. Billy Jack

    Billy Jack

    Audi A4 Quattro