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Everything posted by duece212

  1. duece212

    2 15" rlp installed!

    Very nice man, thats alot of moofer right behind the head, the things look huge in that vehicle. That would be a great lookin simple/clean install with the carpet. You people with 15's give me woofer envy...
  2. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    Still not horrible, much easier than dual 4's. I'm not worried too much about port noise since its in the trunk, more worried about a small port effecting performance.
  3. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    If so my job just got alot simpler!
  4. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    Would love to but 2 4-inchers would have to be 41" long, thats outta control. My trunk would look like a plumbers nightmare
  5. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    I think that might be what I try. Next weekend I glass my spare tire well to see what kind of volume I get, I'm expecting about 1.25 to 1.5 ft^3. The fun part will be figuring out how to build up from the spare well to get more room and incorporate a port. I can't think of a clean way of doing it yet, but maybe when I get the glass base built some ideas will start flowing.
  6. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    hrmm...the other option I'm thinking is a 15 in 2.1 sealed since the 15 only weighs 4 lbs more. I hate to say what was once loud only took a few weaks for me to want more I don't think I could go much bigger than 1.5 at 34 without getting to big/heavy with a slot port 12 ported = the cost of wood 15 ported = 275 bucks and a 12 layin around I don't need anymore What to do what to do...SS needs an upgrade program
  7. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    Ok, have been diggin the 12 in its sealed box. I'm planning on building an enclosure using the spare tire well now to lower the weight in the car, secure it a bit better. I constantly fear sending the box/sub flying when I corner/accelerate hard. With the new enclosure I'm thinking about trying ported. I listen to mostly rock with the occasional bit of rap thrown in. Would the 1.5 at 34hz still give me the tight kick drum that I dig so much in the sealed box? Also with the new enclosure the sub will be facing up...will I be losing alot of gain from going up instead of back?
  8. duece212

    rl-p or you're nothing!! (got pics)

    I have my rlp 12 in 1.25 sealed and it sounds great. Gets loud and low and sounds good doing it. I was suprised with the output with only 600 watts going to it.
  9. duece212

    RLP-12 Installed

    Awesome man, two 12's with that power should rock!
  10. duece212

    RL-P 12 displacement?

    RL-P showed up today....its perdy What is the displacement on this guy, gonna build a box for it in the next week or two.
  11. duece212

    RL-P 12 displacement?

    Ok, before anybody else says it I will: "Use the search button" Found ~.2 for driver displacement. I should be set.
  12. duece212

    Happy Fourth of July - WEEK!

    Thanks for the discount, every bit helps when your over-extended on a car to begin with Will be about a month before all my parts arrive and I can finish this install. Can't wait to hear what this thing does for the low end of my setup. I'm doing the 1.2 ft sealed for the 12. Should I half stuff, full stuff, no stuff it?
  13. duece212

    Happy Fourth of July - WEEK!

    Happy 4th of july all. Mike, I didn't want to add to your stack of emails come Monday but I just ordered up an rlp-12, couldn't resist. I've only had my car a few weeks and the "shaker 500" system ain't cuttin it. Hopefully this guy in a small sealed box will help things along Enjoy the time off, I'm in no hurry to get the sub, too many other things to buy before I can throw it in the car.