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Everything posted by escalade

  1. Thanks, I emailed him to see a price since the custom boxes aren't much cheaper at $43. I just find it hard to believe there isnt some PDF's already floating around for boxes already for free. =x That $50 could be spent on more equipment
  2. So, I ordered two 15 inch sundown audio x-15 d4's I'll be running at 1ohm I have been looking for box plans so I don't have to do all the math myself! I would really like the subs facing up and ported! I have a ton of room to work with. 36" deep x 47" wide x 21" high. of course it can be smaller if possible. I have found a box I really like but the website that has it wants $50 for the plans. I really don't want to spend $50 on a PDF files with measurements and then still have to buy the MDF, glue, screws etc and then build it. So if anyone could offer some help here on building a box maybe a website or just toss me some plans that would be great This would be for daily music, I listen to mostly rap but stuff like MGK, yellow wolf, suicide squad. This is the one I'd really like to have. http://www.caraudiofabrication.com/#!product/prd2/1742322485/2nsf---slot-port---subs-up another question I have is since one requires 4.25 cf does that mean a box for two would be 8.5 cf? spec's below are per 1 sub. Ported: 4.25 ft^3 Displacement: 0.22 ft^3 Depth: 10.85" Outside Diameter: 10.85" Cut-Out: 13.83" Recommended Tuning: 32hz Recommended Port Area: 68 in^2