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Everything posted by Supa_c

  1. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    No idea Nothing wrong with a SH-77
  2. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I made a sweet avatar but every time i upload it its teh previous one i had.
  3. Supa_c

    How to Disassemble a Speaker

    Poor kid, not his fault he is mentally retarded
  4. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WMP has a nice EQ Winamp is to small for me to see in 1600x1200
  5. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    i wouldnt doubt it.
  6. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    man my computer is slow with WMP playing
  7. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This post concludes that your test has passed
  8. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    We gave it to his mom, she doesnt need her speakers amped
  9. Supa_c

    pretty bummed...

    The male anantomy
  10. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    My friends old H/U ( DEH-P5500MP) had THE WORST Ground loop in the front RCA outputs. It was BAD. I tried grounding to the battery and i had no luck. Finally i was told that it could be the RCA output, and it was. The rear had no GL at all.
  11. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    Could be. The outputs could be bad...you never know
  12. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    woah woah woah.... Im asking if the newer unit has a bad rca output. Nothing to do with the amps.
  13. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    Shouldnt be what ?
  14. Supa_c

    Crossover Mounting

    Plexi sounds like a cool idea. Its a lot eaiser to work with than glass
  15. Supa_c

    Wow that was fast...

    Sweet, i love it when stuff arrives that fast
  16. Supa_c

    Seriously Loud Pop

    Bad RCA Leads ? Try hooking up a speaker to the unit itself and see what happens
  17. Supa_c

    rl-p infinite baffle works good

    Simma down now ! It looks so out of place, yet so cool
  18. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where are the dang burnout pics !!
  19. Supa_c

    It's that time again...

    Chevy is to cheap to include a real Impala rim in their top of the line sedan
  20. Uhhh...smoke was just pouring our of the basket holes
  21. Supa_c

    It's that time again...

  22. Supa_c

    Deadeners; Can't Decide.....

    It has nothing to do with humidity.
  23. Supa_c

    6.5's ......I know, I know

    They got pretty dang low, sub bass regions. 1.1^3 tuned to 38HZ i believe
  24. Supa_c

    This is an odd one

    !!! all thread/ threaded rod, same thing