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Everything posted by Supa_c

  1. Dang right you need to head over here !
  2. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    cottage cheese thighs....mmmm
  3. Supa_c

    What should i do?

    How about you quit making 5 threads on the same subject
  4. All out SPL would be like something from ATOMIC. The install also makes a difference
  5. Supa_c

    Has anyone tried a RL-p 12

    Psycho, AVS 20 has 2 MT 18's in his quad cab, i think this " that much bass" doesnt apply here
  6. Supa_c

    Can't Decide What To Do

    3 way is a pain. So much tweaking and what not. Id just go with the Memphis' and be done with it. You can hear 3 way in your home.
  7. Supa_c


    Think horrible pain.
  8. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The reason frosty is my avatar ie because it looks like he was beaten with a lead pipe. Now i see where all this tube talk from. No teenager should look like that..eeek !
  9. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    One time i was bumping it all nice and w/e then i heard this horrid bass. To my suprise there was a box resting on the sub. I swear it sounded like it was blown. I kinda wanted it to be blown too
  10. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i dont know what 1/2 of those mean
  11. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, you told me about those
  12. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    cute...WTF !! He looks like someone beat him badly with an ugly stick
  13. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is is me or is Frosty the uglyest man alive <---- frosty
  14. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    GEEK !
  15. Supa_c

    Recomendatios for Sql Subs

    Mmmmmm Memphis Belle * homer drool* It makes no dofference where the amp it made as long as it does rated power
  16. Supa_c

    Whats the best way to splice a wire?

    The only soder i know of is soda. Some people call it soder
  17. Supa_c

    bookshelf stuff

    The tweeter is crooked. That CD player is weak, those speakers are probably getting a good 20-30W, if that.
  18. Supa_c

    Steve your car has arrived

    half a million ? More like very close to it
  19. Thats not even possible to get 56V out of a 12V battery.
  20. Supa_c

    We broke the 100k post mark

    welcome to last week I was there when the 100,000th post was made
  21. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There would be a big ass chit storm
  22. Supa_c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to make my enclosure