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Michael Hancock

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Everything posted by Michael Hancock

  1. Here is the quick rundown: 4 Soundqubed HDS300 FS 33.65 hz QMS 6.912 QES .769 QTS .692 VAS .782 Ft3 Outside dimmensions of box: 16.3"x41"x27" = 10.44 all setup in a common chamber Port size: 8"x40"x65.88" @ 30 hz I believe this is all correct but what a double check before I build this box. Thanks
  2. Michael Hancock

    Can some double check my calculations?

    I understand that. The dimmensions I am giving is interior specs of the box.
  3. Michael Hancock

    Can some double check my calculations?

    So in essense when figuring the port size, that space should be added to the box dimmensions. Meaning that if my box is 5 ft3 and I know that I need 2 ft3 for port, then I need to buid a 7 ft3 box. I am just throwing hypothetical numbers out there, just to make sure that I fully understand.
  4. Michael Hancock

    Can some double check my calculations?

    Box size isn't an issue for me. I can go bigger, but wouldn't that also take it out of the recommended specs for the subs?
  5. Michael Hancock

    Can some double check my calculations?

    I think I want internal port. If this setup isn't going to fit can you help guide me into a setup that will fit.