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Everything posted by ManzKea

  1. So re do the box? What do you suggest ? I had a 4x4 port tuned to 35hz and the net volume was 1.30 . Subs behind the seat and port to the driver side door
  2. ManzKea

    '12 Grand Cherokee

    How you liking your zv4
  3. Yea he had great info. And yea the pvc works well, just need a bowl or something and a heat gun. Flare it with no problem.
  4. Hey guys I built a box for my zv5 15 and used an 8" sonotube because of the port area and how aero port don't take up as much air space as a slot. A buddy of mines saw my set up and questioned if that port was too big for my box. i came to the conclusion of using and 8" port by doing some math and finding the port area. Which is 50" a little less than the recommended port area on the sundown website. But I'm assuming that's a slot port and I've read areonports require less port area than a slot so I guessed I was in the green. But after my friend brought it up I researched and found a site that said 6" is good for a 3.5 to 4.5 box. So I'm here asking for your guys input. Thanks
  5. More pronounced? Hmmm I can't fit another sub. Could I shrink the box so it can handle more power ?
  6. Wow! Great information. Thanks for your input. You made a lot of sense with all the examples you've provided. Maybe if I want more out put I ahould make the box larger.
  7. That's a lot of port area to hit the recommended amount for a 6ft3 box ran off of 4K. For me me I was tuned to 32hz it sounded great hit the lows like never before. But the upper notes sucked so I cut off a few inches and I'm at 34hx now. Using a taramps 5k to push it. I clicked the pic is there a link for it or do I need an app to open it properly? Im using my iPhone right now. And that's a perfect example you given with the height and shoe size. Ive also read that subs with too big of a port area will result in the sub bottoming out easier. So im curious as to if the 6" will make a noticinle difference in sound and loudness and all that. But sounds like my port isn't too big for the sub
  8. I like the sound of it. Hits all the notes but has a roll off on higher bass notes which I've read is normal for the zv4 and x series . Yes I'm referring to net volume . i was looking at flared ports and I saw a persons review and that's what got me questioning if the port is too large. https://www.parts-express.com/precision-port-6-flared-port-tube-kit--268-354 its down by the questions and answers part. He says 8" would be good for an 18.
  9. ManzKea

    4th of July Sale @ SSA!

    Mids and tweets sounds and looks great
  10. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    Hey guys, so I just got me a sundown zv5 15 and built a box for it. I was tight on space so i went with an aero ported box, its roughly in the 4.5 ft3 area after displacement and what not. I'm using a 8" sonotube tuned to 32hz. I figure the 8 would work well because it's slightly less port area than what is needed for a slot port. And I've read aero port don't need to be as much as a slot port. Anywho, the sub kills the lows! It's moving a lot of air. But on the higher frequency is just lacks. For example , young jeezy- put on, that first note out of that 4 notes really sucks. lol it's real quiet compared to the other 3 notes that follow it. I tried another port tuned to 38hz and it helped a bit, but I could smell the much more quicker and more when I played it. So I cut my 32hz to 34 hz and tuned my sub amp a little higher and it's improved but still a let down. Is that how this sub is? Or is it the box, would a slot port he better?Or is it just a 15" thing? First time using a single 15 I usually go with 2 12s. The amp pushing it is a taramps 5k. Well anybody with experience whod like to chime in I'd appreciate it
  11. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    the sub in action lol
  12. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    Oh man it was a toss up between the sp4 and zv5. I went with the zv5 because there was a local dealer I found so it came out a bit cheaper and I could get it then and there. That sucks if I was to spend 2k or something in 2 15 expecting to be crazy loud and what not and be let down lol. I see see all these videos online if everyone praising sundown. I guess they are only after the Lows. Which it delivers on tremendously. Oh and update my rear battery wasn't getting fully charged because of a bad ground. I fixed it and it's improved but still lacks on some of the upper end stuff. For example sample dj Khaled- I'm the one. It's pretty mUch useless lol. At least with my 2 12 re sxxv2 I can get a quick vibration. Through out the song. With these subs it's like it's just just saying the sound rather than moving and vibrating the sound ( if that makes sense) lol
  13. Nice work! I enjoy my evil tweeters
  14. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    Have you ever heard a x/zv4/5 in person before ?
  15. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    Wow that pretty much hit the nail on the head! I think i want the distortion. Lmao Na, I'll mess around with it and try to get a slot port box built to spec and see what's up
  16. ManzKea

    Sundown zv5 15 input

    Tuned to 40, will it still dig low? Well I'll try it. I'll just cut off some from my 38hz port and see what happens . Just usually I tune to 32 and what not so the thought of 40 didn't cross my mind
  17. ManzKea


  18. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    Ok so 20 on each side to get the 30. And it HAS to be half the width? I saw a debate about that online and didn't really get a clear answer on. Thanks.
  19. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    Like when it reaches the rear wall and needs to bend in both directions. Like a "T"
  20. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    Of course I'd factor in the end correction and what not to both sides which will be less than an actual 10". But to simplify it, is that pretty much the way of doing it ?
  21. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    Ok. So what about when it split? Do I add the two splits to the center to get my total? For example : if I need 30" total. I go down the middle 10 then I bend it both ways like a "T" and go out on both sides 10" to get a combined total of 30?
  22. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    What if there is a bend in it? The depth of my box isn't long enough to accommodate the port length
  23. ManzKea

    How do you measure the length for an L port?

    What about a center port? How do you go bout the measuring of the port length
  24. ManzKea

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    Tripping because I suggested a Rockford.punch pro and said I'll look into a brand I've never heard of because someone vouched for it
  25. ManzKea

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    Talking to me?