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Everything posted by ManzKea

  1. Oh the zv5? Yea it demolished the lows but anything else no so much. And I was let down seeing how so many people rave about sundown. But if it's lows and air movement you're after, then yea that's the way to go. And I guess at the end of the day you live an learn. Lol
  2. Oh no no. I was just comparing it to the dss ethos in sound quality. On the power it was on ,5k the two ethos sounded great. The evils are just in your face more than the ethos. But that's because it's rated more and on more power so of course that's expected. But the evils sound great and play a very wide range of notes. But I enjoy it. With no regrets or disappointment
  3. Cut your losses. I love my evils. They are everything I was hoping for. Could be from coming from the zv5 where it was lacking upper bass. But yea I'm blown away by it. My dss ethos sounded cleaner and loud. But the evil are loud and low. And maybe it doesn't sound as clean because it's way louder so it's all in your face type. But yea I'm sure you can afford to take a little loss if you was to sell it. I went with the zv5 because it was on island. And I seen it in person and it's a beauty alright lol got me hooked. But it's ok at least now I know. So it's cool because now I won't live with a what if lol
  4. Oh yea that's right. Sorry I forgot. You sound like me when I picked up the zv5
  5. Well it's in the recommended specs. Albeit on the smaller end tho. But yea I suppose it's not in the optimal air space
  6. Well the bix will remain the same. With the same amount of port area. Which is 6ft3. A single 15 calls for minimum 3 per sub. Where as the 12s range from 1.8- 3 I believe each sub. So that's why I was wondering if slightly more surface area would be louder or adding another speaker would be louder
  7. So there's no straight forward answer? Well I was keepers my everthing the same. Same volume for the box with the same amp powering em. Only difference would be either 2 15 sp4 or 3 12" sp4. Granted you are correct with install dependent. And do understand how someone could make either or louder. Examples, going from the 12s in a SUV to 15s in a extended cab truck.
  8. And how bout my other question on 3 12s or 2 15s same model. Which is louder
  9. Yea i remember seeing bandpass boxes back in the day and knowing those type of boxes were garbage. I'm talking those boxes with the plexi glass showing the subs. And then the two aero ports. Is that what the 4th order basically is?
  10. You don't say!!!?? Yea I noticed a lot of people vouching for the 4th orders. Then got those special few that wanna kick it up a notch to 6th orders lol. What makes em useless? People say it plays wider range because of the sealed and ported portions etc.
  11. Another question that's off topic but figured I'd post here to avoid adding another topic. What would be louder , 3 12s or 2 15s. Of the same model of course. I know they say surface area is king. But the 2 15s are slightly larger than 3 12s. But the 3 12s could handle more power. So I'm not sure how that works out. I was looking at the sp4. Thinking bout 2 15s . I picked one up from a buddy already. And I was gonna run a 10k on em. But I noticed I could fit the 3 12s in the same box as the 2 15s. Then I added up the total rms. Which would b 7k for the 2 15s. Or 10.5 for the 3 12s. But with slightly less surface area. So. Chime in fellas. Much appreciation.
  12. So when people online shrink their enclosure to add more power what are they actually doing? Like what's their purpose of doing so ?
  13. ManzKea


    Welcome. Hope to see around on here!
  14. ManzKea

    High Voltage Lithium

    Stock alternator?
  15. The thermal rating is the rms correct? Oh and mechanical your talking bout bottoming out and sounding all funky from too much power
  16. ManzKea

    Valued & VIP Store Customer user groups

    Can I get an update too!! Lol
  17. Oh man that's not good to hear. Especially a lvl 6!? Dang. I thought those would be beasts. But I guess it's the same with my zv5 15. I got it on a taramps 5k and it starts to smell over a long period of play time. Idk I see lots of videos where people say the zv5 takes power. Lol.
  18. Well I'm saying overpower because Im planning on picking up an 8k. These are rated at 3500 a piece. So I decided to go with the 8k since that's the closest size to the amount of rms these will total too. im syre my voltage won't hold a steady 14.4 so I won't consistently see the 8k+ it says it'll do. But just figure I'd ask. Also it'll help for future purposes. Im actually trying not to build the box bigger because I don't wanna sacrifice any more space. So I'm hoping I can get away with a slightly shrunken down box if I add more power to it. It calls for 6ft3 for two 15s. That's on the small side. And I'm able to give it 5.5ft. Ive also read that the bigger the box the more efficient the driver will be. So you could get loud with less power. So I'm figuring if I keep it on the smaller side having more power won't harm the sub as much
  19. Sweet. How are they? What's he tuned too? Does it play lows and also kill the higher notes?
  20. ManzKea


    Thank you. This will help me pick up that 4 channel I've been eying. How is it with heat dissipation. I'll probably run all 4 channels in 2ohm. I love to slam my sounds for long periods of times while hanging with friends. Can I expect it to get hot where it'll go into protect ?
  21. ManzKea

    Ssa evil 12s finally arrived

    No I haven't done that yet. If I did that the port would be firing up. I usually put sub and port on the same side but I read somewhere that sub up port back works well in an SUV. So I tried it
  22. ManzKea

    Ssa evil 12s finally arrived

    Some video of the evils in action. let me know what y'all think. Impressive, ok, or nah? Lol.
  23. ManzKea

    Ssa evil 12s finally arrived

    Ok. We'll see how long this last