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Everything posted by heftybone

  1. heftybone

    i need help choosing my sub/amp

    well i just found a video on youtube where a guy compared the sq 2200 to a hifonics brutus and they where basically the same amp, except the sq had cheaper capacitors that didn't last as long. then i got to looking at the sundown pics that i have and they use the same caps as soundqubed. but we all know that sq and sundown shove massive power into subs, so what's the deal? are they good or no good? i don't know anymore! screw it, I'm goin with pyramid!
  2. heftybone

    i need help choosing my sub/amp

    fortunately i have a mini-van, but I'm only using the very back cargo area. and i agree completely about the enclosure, i know that makes all the difference. and even though i am after sound quality, I'm torn between these two because of the tremendous sound pressure they put out as well. i do like to feel my quality sound! i know that they're both good brands, and i can't go wrong with either one. that's why I'm so unsure about which one to go with. i have to say that i like the way the soundqubed looks, they have that thing that made me excited back in the 80's, ya know? that was primarily what made the decision back then. now that I'm old(er), i do research and try to get the best value for the money, i.e. quality, reliability, etc... so you'll probably tell me to go with the soundqubed because that seems to be the one that i like, but the sundown amp is a monster, and it looks better on the inside. so does it put out the quality of the soundqubed? they're both class d but we all know that different manufacturers produce different sounds. like jl audio, i love their subs, but the amps sound like shit in my opinion. so yeah, there goes the indecision part of my dilemma. thanks for the response though, and sorry if i talk your ear off!
  3. heftybone

    JL W7 AE Question

    I've read somewhere that people where actually getting fake w7's from an internet site that i probably shouldn't mention. you might want to check the serial number, (ask him to tell you what it is, it's on the magnet), and make sure it's legitimate. you can comtact jl audio to find out, they have pretty good customer service, and fast too. as far as the ring goes, you need that to attach the surround so how the hell would that get lost? he might be saying that just so he don't have to play it for you. make sure to push in on the cone to make sure there's no coil misalignment, along with everyone elses suggestions. if it's all legit then it's not a bad deal for a $900 sub.
  4. yeah, that is one slammin system for how many speakers he has. i guess volts matters, huh?
  5. this is my first post here on ssa, and i think I've found my new home. if this forum is cool enough to have a section devoted to EXO, then it's gotta be the best forum on the interweb! and it's great that you're here.