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Everything posted by kkk4

  1. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    Nightshade-x is not yet for sale? it will take after the summer?
  2. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    when it is available?
  3. kkk4

    Prototype "SA" Series

    when they are available?
  4. kkk4

    Testing all the SAZ amps

    if you can, head to the 3500D in the same configuration of the old test so as to have a feedback with a single amplifier, compared to the 3000D
  5. kkk4

    Testing all the SAZ amps

    if you can, do the test between the 3000D and 3500D in the same configuration
  6. kkk4

    Testing Sundown z15"s

    really good! tests for 16-18v? you tried to 12v?
  7. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    why not try the magnets 10"?
  8. kkk4

    Z15s are here!

    really beautiful!
  9. kkk4

    Z15s are here!

    we want more pictures
  10. kkk4

    Prototype "SA" Series

  11. kkk4

    Prototype "SA" Series

    you intend to produce it by 15? or only 12?
  12. kkk4

    Z15 Prototype Testing

    excellent! waiting for news
  13. kkk4

    Z15 Prototype Testing

  14. kkk4

    Prototype "SA" Series

    when they are on sale?
  15. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    ok, last question sound at low frequencies should be greater the classic Nightshade? reproduces the low frequencies the most classic Nightshade?or this?
  16. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    ok. expect photos of the engine, compared to the engine near the traditional Nightshade the diameter of the magnets is the same? you have other photos? and the monster?
  17. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    a ok... aesthetically appear below Nightshade. But are designed specifically for the spl? Nightshade then to play music every day while this new model for spl
  18. kkk4

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    cost more or less than Z15?
  19. kkk4

    Prototype "SA" Series

    came the new prototype? photo?
  20. kkk4

    Z15 Prototype Testing

  21. kkk4

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    you have real pictures?
  22. kkk4

    DJ putting a hurrting on some people

    Four 18" Nightshades Four SAZ-3000Ds excellent! expect more videos and photos
  23. kkk4

    Z15 Prototype Testing

    here is the price.... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=23460 thanks, but I am a distributor for Italy, not a private