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Everything posted by kkk4

  1. kkk4

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    more video?
  2. kkk4

    X8 Prototype Teaser Pics

    perhaps it is in Italy
  3. kkk4

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    derrick compliments expect a nice video shot during the day
  4. kkk4

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    My setup has four SA-12s and has done as much as 154.7 dB @ 47 hz with my 3500s wired down pretty low (around 0.3 DCR each) Paul's does 153.1 at 35 hz (that is -- we designed it for music playing at LOW frequencies. Also, his amps (The AB 1000.1 is two 500.1s in one case - we wired each separate) are seeing 1.3 DCR each (close to 2 ohms nominal) so the power is quite low per driver. one 1000.1?
  5. kkk4

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    video while playing music?
  6. kkk4

    Sundown Reviews [Send them In!]

    I can post a review that was made from an Italian site specializes on car audio. the review is on Nightshade 15 ", but is in Italian
  7. kkk4

    X8 Prototype Teaser Pics

    by the end of the year, will be available? or think that now we want 2010? seem really well made
  8. kkk4

    project bass race

    we want some pictures of 15 and 18
  9. kkk4

    project bass race

    maybe I will implement a project to obtain a maximum pressure result in music. I recommend a good project to be over 156db music media? obviously with sundown audio components there is any competitor who has made some system for this type of race? component and results? what advice? band pass?classical wall installation? 4 nightshade 18" 4 saz-3500D? 6 nightshade 15" 3 saz-3500D? 8 sundown Z15 4 saz-3500D? or? I accept tips, photos, projects and schemes I want a bass terrible, to be done to destroy the car
  10. kkk4

    project bass race

    ok ... I hope for soon the monster, in Italy know how much we use that type of subwoofer you have some news on the price? As a percentage will be higher than the Nightshade?
  11. kkk4

    project bass race

    ok .. for the monster and the 4500? date? the monster stand quietly 4500D for music?
  12. kkk4

    project bass race

    still have to calculate any liters... to tell the truth, I have yet to choose the car
  13. kkk4

    project bass race

    I also want 2 prototypes monster! and two of 4500D! :D
  14. kkk4

    project bass race

    thing up in this video? the monster? it actually would be the ideal coupling Monster-Saz-4500 But who knows what it will take to have them!
  15. kkk4

    project bass race

    uhauhauhaauhahuuha you send me your truck, hoping it does not stop at the customs uhauhuhauhauhauhauha us up to 4 batteries are assembled How about 4 Nightshade 18 "with 2 saz-3500D to 18v? deemed to not have to play along, 1 minutes sounds maximum continuous or should I wait for the nightshade ns-x?or monster?
  16. kkk4

    project bass race

    blessed are you Americans who have these SUVs and the space there is not missing we have small cars, and batteries can not put a lot of
  17. kkk4

    project bass race

    Indeed we have noticed is excessive fragility of reels a long term even with limited watt 4 saz-3500, that battery recommendations?how many?
  18. kkk4

    project bass race

    8 nightshade 15" 2-4 saz-3500D? 8 Z15 2-4 saz.3500D? You have created such cars?
  19. kkk4

    SA-12s In Stock

    two 3500D? or two 3000D? excellente!
  20. kkk4

    Happy Birthday Jacob!!!!

    happy birthday Jacob!! all expect a gift, maybe the 4500 :lol:
  21. kkk4

    Congrats Jake!

    normal nightshade?
  22. kkk4

    NEW Nightshade Pole Plugs

    you have already noticed improvements? leaving open the hole does not improve the cooling?
  23. kkk4

    NEW Nightshade Pole Plugs

    only for nightshade? or even on Z15?
  24. kkk4

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    banners you have done? flags etc. ...?