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Everything posted by kkk4

  1. kkk4

    Saxo Vts Team Sundown Audio Italy

    wait for the 4500D and the monster ...
  2. kkk4

    Saxo Vts Team Sundown Audio Italy

    new video with Saz-3500D
  3. kkk4

    Lots of 18s

    It is too loud to play inside -- when we get it outside again we will do it. If we play inside the shop it knocks everything down in my office.
  4. kkk4

    Lots of 18s

    make a video with the windows open, and you do the hair trick with the hair of a girl
  5. kkk4

    15" nightshade specs.

    yes 100L is good
  6. kkk4

    15" nightshade specs.

    1ft = L... ?
  7. kkk4

    Europe Special on SAZ-3500D

    Offer valid until mid-October
  8. kkk4

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    when in production?
  9. kkk4

    SAZ-1000D for the midbass?

    we expect class ab power amplifier. would produce good
  10. kkk4

    X8 Projected Pricing

    photos photos photos photos photos also the engine
  11. kkk4

    Uniform Amp Clamp Test

    do it again all the tests with a single battery and the engine off (no alternator)
  12. kkk4

    Post your SAZ-3500D Power Tests

    but these are the calculations you? or measured separately? from video, you see only the final result, which indicates the strument I measured them after taking the video. It is difficult to hold the camera and adjust all the instruments at the same time. ok, maybe this evening post our new results
  13. kkk4

    Post your SAZ-3500D Power Tests

    but these are the calculations you? or measured separately? from video, you see only the final result, which indicates the strument
  14. kkk4

    Post your SAZ-3500D Power Tests

    theoretical impedance? impedance real? you can measure each of the A, and V? and not directly using the result of the pliers?
  15. kkk4

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    the video while playing music, does not make the very idea it would take a better video
  16. kkk4

    More Sundown SA-12 vids

    my favorite video
  17. kkk4

    More Sundown SA-12 vids

  18. kkk4

    New Website for Sundown :)

  19. kkk4

    New Website for Sundown :)

    beautiful! But two things are missing: 1) international dealers 2) Pictures of some products