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Shang Tsung

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About Shang Tsung

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    95' Civic Ex
  1. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    pussies LMFAO! YOU WERE ALL WRONG! Say what you like, but it was because the Sub was a SVC 4ohm sub.
  2. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Oh yea, one more to get banned, the dumb fucks in this thread, the moderate, the site, all of it is full of trash everything. From prices to people. You fucks make me laugh, next time any of you pussies (who were wrong) want to get their jaw knocked off and your in Chicago just email me.
  3. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Most of you guys are jokes, big cars with big sound thinking your the shit hating on someone trying to get shit right. Oh the audio guy said ALL of you were wrong and i was right, pucking clucks. IOh and he can actually show me that he's certified. I was right, all of you were wrong, it wasn't my gains or LPF or anything else. It was that the sub was too weak.
  4. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Ok ok ok.... I figured out the REAL reason I was burning my voice coil................ It's because the amp demanded a better sub, simple and plain. Not wattage wise, the sub wasn't a sub that could be used on the amp. It was a SVC 4ohm sub.... The amp manual stated I needed either a SVC 2 ohm sub or DVC 4ohm sub minimum. EDIT: Did the big 3, added a battery, put the two new alpine type R's paird with the Hifonics BRX2000.1D. OMG this shit WANGS! I'm happy enough not to insult anyone, THANKS GUYS!
  5. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    LMAO! I jsut seen that...
  6. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    that had nothing to do with it. Not even close. No effect whatsoever in protecting or hurting your subs. It is a gain or install problem but to help we need you to listen and want help. Your right, it wasn't that... I was sending too much power to the sub and the voice coil started burning. sub is only 300 watts rms, it was so light and eh, couldn't handle what I was giving it. that's about it.
  7. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    What the fuck did you just pucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my pucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, pucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re pucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your pucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re pucking dead, kiddo.Please stop feeding this kid, he is an obvious troll. Where was this posted? Personal message? If so please forward it to me LMFAO!! he called me a troll and post a long ass message that has been used time and time again to troll people..... Wow. I got my answer from 2 people and I thank those 2 people.
  8. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Yea man My Low pass filter has a higher hz rating then the sub does, plus the sub is really light and obviously (if you see and felt it) doesn't compare in weight, craftsmanship or material. The two Alpine SWR 12D4 are light years ahead of what this shitty sub was. Lol@ me and I thought pioneers were good.... That's what I get for being poor... I was giving it too much power(which wasn't much) at 2ohms, 1400 watts, but my amp was not sending anywhere near 1400 to it.
  9. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    I was burning a voice coil because of clipping. See what you're not understand is I have had these subs for a while, I KNOW them, the amp is new. Oh and for anyone downing me about BLOWING the other sub.... It didn't blow, it had faulty wiring inside by the plus and negative terminal. Sorry for being a dick but you guys never listened to what I said. "Gain is not a volume knob" No shit.... It was at 25% or LESS, there was hardly ANY sound coming from the sub and guess why..... IT WAS TOO LOW! The GAIN wasn't the problem either, if you would have read, it was clipping from the low pass filter. I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough for some, but at the same time, "go ahead" just pass some shit I say up. I was WRONG about my Low pass, Ihad to check my subwoofers max frequency, but I never in a million years use my gain like a volume knob. It's different when you're throwing subs and an amp into someones car and actually trying to get serious about what you love. I made a few mistakes, but you guys need to notice that you came at me at an angle, with a FIRST RESPONSE! Way to introduce yourself to a new guy .
  10. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    I NEVER said anything about someone NOT knowing anything. Oh and gain is ONE knob fucktards, not all of them.
  11. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Yes and you don't kick someone when their down you help, what you did was kick then extend your hand. I figured it out by myself.
  12. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    I figured out what the problem was with my shit, My sub is rated at 220 hz and my Low pass on my amp is 250 I had it too high. Thanks to the last guy who didn't mock me. All the systems I hooked up before were little small shits, so they didn't over reach on the subs.
  13. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Wow funny how I misspell small words.... pucking joke.....
  14. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    Funny the last post said piss and moan, but NO one gave an answer, only criticism. You guys are usually passive aggressive pussies, if I was talking to someone who is inexperienced I wouldn't taunt them, I would teach them. Get that wierdo shit out of here.... Oh and to the "dude" who said 5+ ofc, if you weren't such a pucking moron you would be able to act like you know car audio and just answer the pucking question, because you know what the fuck I was talking about. Anyways, If I was mislead why didn't you pucking tell me how I was mislead? Some real alpha male shit going on here. I did say what type of subs and amp they were. My other SUB view the other day while I had a different amp hooked up to it, it didn't blow because of me not knowing how to set it up (when I didn't switch my amp to the new one) it was perfectly fine and I set the gains by myself. I don't need to space my god damn sentences to make it seem like i'm smarter or wittier then someone who was obviously asking questions in his last comment. If anyone wants to help me, "decipher" what I said in the last in the last two comments(sarcasm).... Thank you to someone who can pay attention, I never pucking acted like I knew everything, but I acted like I know what the fuck I HAVE and HAD IN my car. anyone who wants to answer can, but fuck the rest of the people who came here to bash someone because they knew their pucking gains weren't too high. I know how what the fuck my sub sounds like you dumb ass, I had those subs until the one sub blew because of WINTER! I bought the new Hiphonics amp because I thought it was my amp, but it was because I had the two Pioneers in series.... I have the new NONE shitty subs on their way, I'm getting new pucking 0 gauge wiring to run to the encased battery I got. I have to rewire my Car grounds and power (big 3) and that's about it for now, I will get the h/o alternator when I feel like it. Fuck off chumps I been setting up systems since a kid and nothing ever has happened. I have NEVER smelled a pucking burning sub because I have NEVER fucked up an install, you dickheads. I bought a used amp and was trying to figure out if it was that. I can set my gains by ear because I have unusual hearing, I can hear clipping even at low levels, if that's hard to "believe" oh well. Amp is just too powerful for the shitty 50 dollar sub at 2 ohms. Just because I DON'T know how to do some things doesn't mean I can't set a whole pucking system up. How retarded do people with no common sense sound. Answer the question, shit the fuck up. Oh and the sub is a SVC if those who can be respectful care. You don't talk to people like that if you don't want to fight, don't come at me aggressively unless I did first.
  15. Shang Tsung

    Help smell coming from back, one sub doesn't work.

    I had the subsonic down at first, now it's at a quarter of the way. Yea the subs are too weak I figured. THe problem ISN'T my gains, I'm not as noob to just turn them the fuck up and thats that. I turned my headunit to the highest personal volume, set everything up, no bass boost. But yea I guess subsonic turns the signals the sub can't handle down, correct? Oh and yea I smelled the trunk again and it seems like it was coming from sub. High pass filter on my headunit pertains to the speakers IN the car correct? There is a setting for the subwoofer control on my headunit and I have it at 200hz, what does that sub controller do? Not much of an audible difference but I THINK the sound got a little clearer when I turned it up from 100hz. Edit: I turn headunit all the way up, then low pass on the amp THEN I turn my gain up to a point to where it's good. I'm usually good at hearing clipping, I don't hear clipping when I am listening. Oh and as of now, the sub still smells on the Ludacris song, but my gains aren't even high enough to make "Bass" like tht, the bass is DECENT but not out of this world or where you can hear it good a block away. It's pretty low for the amp. So it must be the sub huh? I'm leaning more and more towards the subs, so I ordered two Alpine Type R SWR 12D4's, 300 to 1000 watts RMS, 3000 max. Each.