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Everything posted by spl_eddie

  1. spl_eddie

    JL 500/1 repair

    thanks for pointing me in the right direction big jon! . im new to these forums but everyone on here seems to be good solid people. glad to be a part of it. Eddie Gossett
  2. spl_eddie

    JL 500/1 repair

    background of the amp: my friend had this amp in his 07 beamer. he had a complete jl setup. all amplified. and one day nothing worked. his cd player came on but no sound came out. so i got the amp from him. (i thought his cd player went out because the amps powered up) Thats all the history i know of it. and ive tried turning all the dials every which way possible. and nothing... i got another 500/1 from him ( was never installed) and it works. im stumped. one of the resisters looks a little worn but could that be the reason why? thanks in advance. Eddie Gossett
  3. spl_eddie

    Hey from Canada

    welcome to ssa!