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Everything posted by iskone

  1. iskone

    4 Oz Audio ME 10's vs. 2 Fi Q 15's

    What would make you go with the ME's? Besides being killer subs, LOL It's cheaper that's for sure but I've always thought cone is king. I'm looking at ED's 16OV's too. They are $150 after shipping right now, that's damn cheap. I'm not a big ED fan though. I'd love to find 2 more ME12.4's and run 4 at .5ohm on the 1500D
  2. New here and looking for opinoins. I was running 2 ME12's sealed at 1.25 on a saz-1500d in my extended cab Dakota, I'm now driving a GTI and plan to make some upgrades. I'm looking for more low end output, not nesicerially more output over all. I need to stay in the 4cf net area with good SQ, why I typically run sealed. So I'm looking at cone area. 2 15's are the winner in cone area by about 1 10's worth of cone, on the other hand I can get a real good deal on the 4 10's, about $200 less and have the same if not more power handling ability if I need it. So is that extra cone area gonna just kill the 10's? I can be about .8cf over the recomended size on hte 10's but right at the minumum for the 15, think that would out weigh the cone area difference? I doubt it. I thought about porting the 12's but they model like chit for some reason. I've had a single ported at 1.95 40hz and it sounded real good but not low, because of the high tune I would think but it's been a while.