New here and looking for opinoins. I was running 2 ME12's sealed at 1.25 on a saz-1500d in my extended cab Dakota, I'm now driving a GTI and plan to make some upgrades. I'm looking for more low end output, not nesicerially more output over all. I need to stay in the 4cf net area with good SQ, why I typically run sealed. So I'm looking at cone area. 2 15's are the winner in cone area by about 1 10's worth of cone, on the other hand I can get a real good deal on the 4 10's, about $200 less and have the same if not more power handling ability if I need it. So is that extra cone area gonna just kill the 10's? I can be about .8cf over the recomended size on hte 10's but right at the minumum for the 15, think that would out weigh the cone area difference? I doubt it. I thought about porting the 12's but they model like chit for some reason. I've had a single ported at 1.95 40hz and it sounded real good but not low, because of the high tune I would think but it's been a while.