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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Took some more pictures! First two was me at my Roommate's military base, then the rest of the first phase of lighting upgrade.
  2. Sencheezy

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    looking good!
  3. Sencheezy

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Damn, sorry to hear. RIP the 3 year build log that only went to 2-3 shows.
  4. Sencheezy

    8000K 55watt DDM Tuning HIDs for 2007 Explorer

    I would recommend getting the 6k for a bit more light output. But other than that, my initial review actually stands firm. haha. They are still as bright as they are when I purchased them and no other side affects have accured. The only difference from now and then, is that the actually price is cheaper lol. I have not sanded off any of the paint from my headlights. I want to, but its a perfect balance of visualality and functionality. I do plan on sanding back down to clear, then just add 1 light coat of black, to give it a smoke look, but again, the balance of light out put and the way it looks makes it hard for me to pursue that drive back to the custom shop. I have never been flashed at for my lights, and I drive a fairly high SUV.
  5. This will probably be the best response you'll come across.
  6. Sencheezy

    FI SP4 Inverted Motor Noise (wtf)

    That's interesting, because my Evil Makes no noise. Nothing that makes me want to turn it down. I do hear the cooling SOMEtimes when playing notes in like, the lower 20s, but even then, I have to listen for it for me to notice.
  7. Here I will finally submit my review for the products I have purchased thus far. I will list pros and cons for each with my most unbiased opinion. SSA ICON This was my first sub woofer purchased from SSA. I bought it used from Sean DeYoung with the AQ1200 to power it. It was in a box I believe that was 4cuft tuned to 32hz. The Sound Quality from this sub woofer was really amazing. To give it a better explanation it had a very distinct sound to it. It was very sharp, and accurate, like pin point accuracy and very quick/sharp. I believe that was its best attribute. But it was also really loud. With some early testing, I was able to do a 141 at the headrest off of a 35amp fuse. Which was pretty damn good for me, as this was my first few events ever competing, and always took 1st place among my class. My first impression was how beefy it was, for the money, its definitely one of the better subs out there. I could only imagine these in the multiples. I can't really think of any cons for this driver. It really does have that perfect mix of precision sound and output. I couldn't say, I wish it had more output, or more clarity, because it seems SSA really did nail this one of perfect balance. It is also very durable. haha, I took a 6 hour trip with this thing, from Nashville to somewhere in NC, never once stop beating that thing up. I'm pretty positive that I was giving it some clipping, and maybe even some distortion, but it took whatever I threw at it with no problems. I am very confidant in saying this driver could take 2000 rms everyday with no problem. SSA ZCON This was my first "big boy" sub woofer I've owned since the UFO BTL. I can't really compare the two, simple because the BTL was a 18", and this was a 15", also, I have mountains worth of knowledge now then I did at that time. But on to this moster. First thing to notice, is the packaging. It comes in a medium sized box that you would find at your local hardware store, but is sandwich between to wooden plates, that is braced by a 2x4 at each corner, with a protective surround around the top of the sub woofer to prevent any shifting. This thing is very heavy, I definitely need both hands for this one. With this sub woofer I continued to use the AQ1200 for maybe a month or so. It did great with it, and I was actually scared to place my next anmp on it, just because I really didn't feel comfortable puting so much power on it daily. I had a BC5500 laying around, that I was planning to use, but only for burtps. Long story short, I went ahead and began using it daily. And for the rest of the time owning it(8or9 months), it never gave me no problems! I'm not advising anyone to put this much power to it, but if you know what you're doing, this sub will take it. Now moving on to how it sounds, where as the icon was pin poin, this is like, a bomb that pushes you out of its way. The best way to put it, it feels like you are in the path of the sound waves haha. And it just wants to push you out the way. In my particular box, it was kind of top heavy. What I mean, is that it really killed the highs. That feeling of your ears itching, blurry vision, and throat scratching, but the lower notes where not as profound. In another build though, it was the total opposite, so its all about how you build the box. If you were to create more of a balanced sound, I would advice to tune a little lower, maybe around 30hz. And also, if you plan to use a lot of power, definately try to build on the small side, with lots of port. The way it sounds on music is just skull crushing. Especially on fast past beats, such as dubstep, or some bass heavy rock. I mean, there was some songs that you literally felt like you was constantly being smack in the face over and over again! The best I was ever to get in my application was a 147.8 in the kick. Again, this was in a daily box that wasn't build for this kind of power. SSA Evil So this is the big boy! Again, this sub woofer comes in the same kind of box and crate, to secure shipping. This thing is an absolutely monster! So you have the ICON, that's really pin point accuracy, then you have the move out the way sound of the zcon, now with this, you have the immersive sound pressure that literally surrounds you with its destruction. From top to bottom, this thing rocks! I use to ask the question, does lets say, 150 decibels sound like 150 deciblesl in every vehicle. Finally with this sub woofer I can tell you HELL NO! This is such a different sound, that, myself have never experienced. I've been competing now going into my second year, and I've been to a lot of shows, listened to a lot of different setups, both big and small. Nothing has compared to this sub woofer. The sound is so heavy, like, you can literally feel the pressure and air being pushed away in your vehicle, searching for a outlet. This is even crazier in my setup, I'm actually loudest sealed, and it sounds sooo good. When I roll down the windows, it creates a weak point in my roof, and everything just starts moving like crazy. Even from 20 feet away, you can hear this subtle boom...boom... sound that is very warm sounding, really hard to explain. It doesn't sound muffled, it isn't heavy on any side of the spectrum just a really loud bass in your face. I would say it sounds like the zcon had a baby with the icon, and added a bit of Thor's hammer in there and boom, you have the Evil. I have absolutely no cons to this driver. Unless you want to consider things like the weight, or enclosure size. It is one of the costly sub woofer though. And not just by itself. You are going to want more power, which is more electrical, which is more cable, battery, alternator, etc. But two things, A) Its WELLL worth it, and B) This thing doesn't NEED a ton of power to get loud. I myself tested this and put 600 watts on it, and it sounded amazing!! I suppose the only other con would be the terminals. They are sill only 8 gauge, I thought maybe this is the only size maybe that is offered, but this isn't true. Its quite frustrating when placing large gauge wire to the sub. Not that its a deal breaker, especially in a daily scenario. One thing is for sure, this thing can take some serious power. I find myself often want to turn it up more, but my electric is the only thing holding me back. The cooling is something amazing. Just this year, I took a 12 hour drive to FL for SBN2013, and I did NOT take it easy on this bad boy. I played hard, very hard for hours at a time, in about 83-90 degree weather, and this thing just kept hammering away. SSA did a great job on this one. ZED Leviathan IIII This thing is Amazing!!! No way else to put it. It comes in a plain white box, that has no marketing on it what so ever. Talk about versatile this thing can do it all. Currently I'm only using the four/six channels. So it still has power and expand ability for days. It can also run all channels flat! So the possibilities are literally endless. Well, about 16-18 different configurations in all. The build quality is bar none. The best amplifier I've ever used hands down. It plays everything flawlessly. I've played rap, dubstep, rock, and even symphony. The size of this thing is unbelievable considering the power output of over 300 watts per channel. Definitely getting your moneys worth here and I would highly recommend it to anybody. Crescendo Audio BC5500 This is the biggest amplifier I've ever owned. Coming out to about 26'', this thing is a boat, and a powerhouse. I've owned this thing and have had it in operations for over a year now, and have had absolutely no problems. Never been in protect, never needed to be repaired, no nothing. And I've changed my setup, and as well as just the layout/configurations of my vehicle many times. Currently, its underneath my false floor, and STILL nothing. It works every time, which can't be said for a lot of other equipment that have heating issues This thing is well built, well cooled, and puts out serious power. I currently have 3 large Group 31 sized batteries supporting it, along side a stock 130amp alternator. Voltage still drops down into the low 12s if I play hard enough. So if you want to use big power, just know it takes power to make power. I really don't have any complaints on this amplifier, I mean, it does what I want it to, every day. Incriminator Audio I65 Not really much to be said here. Nothing to go against the par. I would recommend them to anybody who is looking to upgrade, and if this fits their budget, sure. But I wasn't "blown" away by their sound quality. It was very clear, the highs were a little bright. But take this for what its worth. I'm not great at setting EQ's or anything. My review is based off of plug and play. I did have them on a ZED made amplifier. I did turn down the mids a bit to get more highs to come out, so I was lacking some midbass action. Which I would say was just average. Nothing that the average consumer would worry about though. Well I think thats all folks. In conclusion, I will keep an eye out for new products to come out, and will continue to support the SSA Store.
  8. Sencheezy

    My other SSA Zcon 12" D2

    Great guy to buy from. Reply and ship promply.
  9. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I recorded two new videos this morning. I'm pretty much done with the system for the year. On my to buy list, is a new desktop, a new camera, and SDS. This system where it's at is very good. And I enjoy the way it is right now.
  10. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Was a real nice day here in nashville, so I snapped some pics. I REALLY need camera lol These were taken with my evo
  11. Sencheezy

    My car pics motherload

    Damn nice collection.
  12. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    Sure there is man. Not everything is going to be baby fed to you bro. Like what the hell. Research how to find what your box is tuned to. Then do the needful to find your answer... Not that hard...
  13. Sencheezy

    96 Accord System Upgrade

  14. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    Lol, man, there is a lot you don't know huh Just do some research on this website man. Do a little Depending on your box, you will set your LPF to 63/80/100 usually. And then if its sealed, set it to 0, and then if its ported, set it to 3-5hz below tuning. This is all generally speaking.
  15. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    I suppose you can do it that method. Though I'm not the biggest fan of it. Just do as I suggested above when gain setting.
  16. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    You can run one amp for the two subs, that's just fine, I was just giving the suggestion I would follow if budget permitted. Two ICONS will handle 1000 rms VERY easily, haha. I don't exactly understand your question. The RMS of those subs are 1250, you will only be applying 1000 per, in a perfect world that is. So, they will have no problem handling that power. You just set the gain how you normally would. By ear, listening for any stress, smelling anything unusually, listening for any abnormal sounds, ETC. The way I do it, and in your case, when your supplying less than RMS, and don't plan to upgrade power, build the box a little on the big side, and then turn the gain up until you don't get any more output gain, then just tab it down a bit from there. That easy.
  17. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    For your camry, I would do sub and port facing rear. The loudest camry's out there face port and sub forward into cabin. Unless you have the tools and fabriaction to do so, I would face towards trunk. What these other camry's do, is, they use a aero port. I believe for two 15"s, they use a 10" aero port that is flared, and for 12s they use a single 8". With the aero port in between the subwoofers. Everything is completely sealed from the trunk. So that all the air that is being displaced is inside the cabin.
  18. Sencheezy

    Setup help

    Ok, I'm going to try and feel you in some knowledge ok. You don't go by RMS: RMS is only there to sort of guide you to the right power limitation but will not dictact how much power a driver can handle. This is because each application is different. You may only want 1000 watts for every day, but then you want 5000 watts for a competition. This is because depending on the application, the subwoofer can handle "X" amount of power for "X" amount of time. RMS is the limitation before heat failure. Second thing is the RMS of the amplifier: This is the most easiest way to think about it, that amplifier can do 2000 watts, sure. Can it do it 24/7, would you want it to do it 24/7, the answer is proablly no. So this being said, you would want to apply more than rated power so that you can have whats known as headroom. That way, the amplifier can supply "X" amount of power comfortably for "X" amount of time. Does that make sense? To break it down even further. You would want a amplifier to supply RMS power by operating at 60% versus using a amplifier to supply rms power operating at 100%. This does several things. It reduces the chances of clipping, or distortion. Keeps your amplifier cool. Keeps your electrical system happier, because it doesn't have to strain itself to provide "X" amount of power, ETC. For your application, I would buy a BC2000 PER subwoofer, and upgrade your electrical has your budget permits. There is no "PEAK" because that is just a gimmicky. You can't say "Peak", because the "Peak" will change with every variable. I hope this helps.
  19. Sencheezy

    SSA Explorer Meets DJSNT

    haha thanks! I just recently put its ass back in though, so I can see out the review mirror haha.
  20. Sencheezy

    dual 10's or quad 8's

    its hard to find i good builder for trucks so im almost limited to the four 8's with the custom enclosure or two ported 10's in a prefab..sucks right? lol I don't understand why you keep isolating for certain applications for a job that it should already be entitled to? If a guy is a box builder, he isn't a box builder for only Fords, or for only trunk vehicles? lol. Its simple measurements the person is following, not the vehicle type.
  21. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    get er done
  22. Sencheezy


    Kind of in the same boat.