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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    comparison pictures massive Magnetar coil

    Preorder details please!!!
  2. Sencheezy

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    wow! What a update! You're moving right along sir.
  3. Sencheezy

    The New Ride!

    I'm only 23, but I think you just taught me a life long lesson. Ty sir
  4. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  5. My question is in regards to enclosures. Mostly the relationship between net volume and port area. From the little research I've done. High port area combined with small volume net will yield a very narrow bandwith but with most SPL.But, if you increase net volume, combined with high port area, you will increase SPL while sustaining a wide bandwith.So what I am thinking is. As an example. If I only had 1000watts to a 3000watt subwoofer, 180cuin would be too much port area because I do not have adequate power to displace as much air as I would if I had 5000 watts. Is this way of thinking correct? Like, hard to convey what I'm thinking via typing. But, I guess what I'm saying is that, If I have too little port, with too much power, than I'm "choking" the air displacement. And in contrary, if I have too much port area, and not enough power, than I have a leaky enclosure. Thoughts?
  6. No change. The 7" driver didn't have enough stroke to cause much compression with the 2" vent with the power I was using. I was trying the bigger 10" because I had a ton of Sonotube and was trying to see if a 1ft3 would still work as predicted with a vent that big. Everything in the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook is proven fact. It is decades of engineering and predicted results. Everything can be modeled. There is no "magic" in loudspeaker design. The problem with most "tests" that are done is that they are subjective, especially in car audio. There are too many uncontrolled parameters to be objective. You see all these "results" that people post, but they are meaningless because they never remove all the uncontrolled variables when they conduct their "test". As far a subjective sound quality in relation to vent size, if you hear differences other than compression issues, you screwed with something else and caused an un-intended change... Again, if it is acting like a Helmholtz resonator, and you aren't running into compression issues, there is no sound quality difference. Also, a tiny ass woofer will load a huge ass vent, everything will work like it is supposed to if you designed it right. These goofy opinions come from not understanding the physics behind Helmholtz resonation... But sound quality is not measurable is it? I'm only asking to learn and to educate myself. When you say there will be no sound quality difference between 2" port and 10" port, that goes against what some other people would say when increasing port size. Giving it a "muddy" or "sloppy" sound. And using smaller sized port would give a more "tighter" sound. What are your thoughts?
  7. Sencheezy

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  8. So what characteristically behaviors were changed when going from the 2" PVC to the 10" sonotube? Smaller bandwith, Peaker sound, smoother response, etc?
  9. Sencheezy

    want to buy amp

    You want to run 3k daily to a single SA? Why? Also, any amp in the store will be fine. There is a classifiled section towards the bottom as well.
  10. Sencheezy

    chat? yeh

  11. What I am also noticing, is that, many people will place a driver in any paticular enclosure, some will have great results, and others won't know any better either way. But my misunderstanding of this, is that most will never build again to tell whether or not they are reaching full potential or not. My point to this is, for the people who are using less than optimal enclosure size, enclosure tuning and port area, how can they say that what worked for them, is the better option vs more traditional enclosure designs based upon the works of helmholtz and Small/Thiele?
  12. You have to look closer at this enclosures though. The length of the line or "port" is what keeps the pressure or "vacuum" on the cone.Edit: its hard to compare any of those enclosures to a traditional ported enclosure. They are COMPLETELY different in damn near every way. OP Question > This was the question posed to us and why my I answered the way I did. > To Chill > I disagree, these are all helmholtz resonators. The larger the port, the longer it needs to be to maintaint tuning. And because of this ^^^^^ the mass of the air in the port changes, bigger the port the more mass. The higher mass in the larger port should have more of an affect on the cone, if anything. If the port is too small it won't act as a port. Once the port is correct for the system increasing it will not do much, There's no more to gain. I've underlined the last sentence in his OP. This is exactly backwards. To small of a port is a leaky sealed enclosure. A large port will just be efficient. Regarding your response that I underlined. > It's not the length of the line that acts on the cone, that's more tuning, but the mass in the port that's resonating that's affecting the cone. This is my understanding. wow, well thank you very much for your input. I really appreciate your sight on the matter. So, overall, the response I'm getting seems to be a battle of real world experience vs laws and physics. Not really sure of which route to take at this point.
  13. Sencheezy

    Had to get another truck

    Very nice!!!
  14. Sencheezy

    Sp4 box/port

    That box looks great. Let us know how it performs!
  15. Most of the information above was in taken from my SSA Evil. Which has a high xmax value. I have a low score in my current setup, which is 8.3 net with only 130cuin of port tuned at 33hz. I am completely flat from 30hz to 50hz. After 50hz it begins to slightly lose output, but anything below 30hz I have a really big dip in output. I ask these questions becuase almost every program I've used, suggests that I use at least 180cuin of port. Which is far more than what I have. And I believe that the programs are correct because right now I don't believe I am reaching max xmax. Which is crazy because of how much power I am applying (5500 watts). So, this all ties in because, as stated above, my theory is that I have too little port area combined with the power I am utilizing. I am "assuming", that thet too little port area combined with high power is causing me to "choke" the air that is being displaced. Or in other terms, I have too much water pressure to get through the water hose. Can you give an example of what you're saying? Don't need to, your on the right track having a larger enclosure is more efficient and also opening up the port will help release more pressure from the enclosure helping you get Max excursion easier. You do have to be careful with how much you do open the port with your enclosure being as large as it is though so you don't run into mechanical issues. At 180in. Sq I think you'll be just fine and should net you some great gains. Sweet, thank you for your input.
  16. Most of the information above was in taken from my SSA Evil. Which has a high xmax value. I have a low score in my current setup, which is 8.3 net with only 130cuin of port tuned at 33hz. I am completely flat from 30hz to 50hz. After 50hz it begins to slightly lose output, but anything below 30hz I have a really big dip in output. I ask these questions becuase almost every program I've used, suggests that I use at least 180cuin of port. Which is far more than what I have. And I believe that the programs are correct because right now I don't believe I am reaching max xmax. Which is crazy because of how much power I am applying (5500 watts). So, this all ties in because, as stated above, my theory is that I have too little port area combined with the power I am utilizing. I am "assuming", that thet too little port area combined with high power is causing me to "choke" the air that is being displaced. Or in other terms, I have too much water pressure to get through the water hose.
  17. Sencheezy

    chat? yeh

  18. Sencheezy

    4 SSA Zcon 15's in a Taco

    What are your thoughts Timmy?