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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Thanks Cableguy! But that's exactly my thing, I'm not looking to win any kind of championship. That devotes an exteme amount of time and about 2-3 times more expensive than SPL. I am simply looking for a respectable score, that is versitle enough to get really loud, while maintaining some sort of imaging, staging, and presence/depth. And I totally agree, I need a new headunit with more built in processing. But I want to tackle one task at a time, stating off with driver selection.
  2. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Good to hear some more feedback. I currently have my eye set on: RCF LF12X401 http://www.usspeaker.com/rcf%20-%20Lf12x401-1.htm and : BEYMA 12P80Fe http://www.usspeaker.com/beyma%2012p80Fe-1.htm If i was to grab either pair, I believe I will port them, as suggested previously.
  3. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Geesh really? I was really looking forward to adding a single 12" to each door. I wanted to keep things simple as possible, and avoid a 3 way active. I'm pretty confindent I could get the passenger side on axis, would be more difficult to treat the driver siad the same though.
  4. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    ohhh, so I really shouldn't look at those graphs a reference or a good representation of what to expect installed in my vehicle? For example, I look at this driver: http://www.usspeaker.com/ciare%201200sw-1.htm Now, by manufacture, it recommends 20hz-200hz. But looking at the graph, it "seems" to play relatively well up into about 1khz. So, just because it looks good on the graph, doesn't mean it plays good? Is that what you're saying? No, that response is only when the driver is facing directly in front of you. And this is with any driver. This normally isn't a problem with home audio as the drivers are more or less in front of you. So, then I suppose my next question is, exactly how do I go about choosing the proper and best fitting driver for my goals and application? Do I have to program every single drivers T/s ?
  5. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Thanks. I will take a look into this.
  6. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Do you have a link sir?
  7. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    ohhh, so I really shouldn't look at those graphs a reference or a good representation of what to expect installed in my vehicle? For example, I look at this driver: http://www.usspeaker.com/ciare%201200sw-1.htm Now, by manufacture, it recommends 20hz-200hz. But looking at the graph, it "seems" to play relatively well up into about 1khz. So, just because it looks good on the graph, doesn't mean it plays good? Is that what you're saying?
  8. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    So overall, I take it that, I'm going to find a rough time looking for a 12" driver that can play 40hz-600hz with a reasonable response? Is that correct?
  9. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Have any immediate suggestions?
  10. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Thanks! I will check that out now. Also check out parts-express.com and madisound.com for other speaker options as well. Yeah! I actually do remember. I will look more into those. And yeah, I'm familiar with both those sites, was just hoping to get more input from others.
  11. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Looks to have a lot of great candidates! http://www.usspeaker.com/delta%20lite2512II-1.htm First one I clicked on looks promising already!
  12. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Thanks! I will check that out now.
  13. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Yes, this has been taken into consideration.
  14. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    If I stick with a smaller single driver, a 6.5" or 8", I'm afraid it won't have the volume to keep up with for what I'm looking for. I was hoping that, with the driver being so near to the horns, that hopefully that would aid me in staging. Just as many advised the ideal location for a midbass would be in the floorboard far underneath the dash as possible.
  15. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    And that's exactly why I made this thread. Looking for input here, and direction, for which I need to follow. I chose a 12, because it's the largest driver I can fit in my door. Going back to the "not wanting to win championship" statment. This is still, a very much daily driver, so being able to keep up the volume is extremely important to me, wether it be for showing out for friends, or for competition. And yes, I mentioned previously that I would like something that plays from 40 or 50hz to 600hz or 800hz. This being depicted by how low I want the horns to play.
  16. Sencheezy

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    Looking at this FR Graph, it seems that this Driver can play up to that high with the aid of processing. http://www.parts-express.com/pedocs/specs/295-512-dayton-audio-um12-22-specifications.pdf
  17. I have your truck (07). Just go ahead and leave factory wires there and just add on.
  18. Sencheezy

    '97 Toyota Celica Wall Build

    Damn that looks good!
  19. Sencheezy

    Single woofer set ups in Cherokee's

    Take some measurements of the space you're willing to sacrifice and post them up here. That will be the deciding factor.
  20. Sencheezy

    2011 Grand Cherokee Build

    Looks good man
  21. but really, first tell us what you are wanting out of your system. Tell us some of the basic functionality you feel is a must have. We can't recommend anything without know what you are wanting. And please say more than just "sound good"
  22. pioneer 80prs clarion nx702
  23. Sencheezy

    Low tuned UFO BTL 18 box

    I wouldn't bother with either enclosure. Both bad ideas. My BTL UFO did really well in a 7cube box tuned to 32hz. I can't stress enough how much I recommend you building a new enclosure.
  24. Sencheezy

    When Will IM Return?

    Just curious as it's been missing for a while. Also when will videos become view-able from mobile again as well?