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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    Me and my ex girl had to break up because she moved back to mexico
  2. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    i can see you have never been to polk county!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, nope, never heard of it, but people don't have to say it for you to know what their thinking. :Off topic :on topic, I wonder if you bolt your system down to the vehicle, and take pics of it, and then show them the pics, if they would be more willling to pay for the stolen stuff?
  3. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    I see a wall in your near future young grasshopper, seats are overrated.
  4. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    It was toward Phi But yeah man, GL with new car. Get a 4th gen Explorer like me
  5. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    So tell us what happen? Your mom saw a black guy and did nothing about it? And are you sure he was black? You said yourself that your car was blacked out right? So the only way she could tell what race he was is if she saw him breaking in, if thats the case, why didn't she do anything to stop it? If he was covering his face or something, then that again begs the question, how do YOU know he was black? If somebody stole your car and your mom said she saw a black guy...then chances are that you're gonna side with your mom? I mean yeah, you can't believe everything you hear but we're talking about his mom. My statement has nothing to do with who you decide to side with or not. But, if your trying to solve a problem, any problem, you need to look at things at all angles, not just what you believer or what someone else believes. Sure, if my mom said he was black, then at first thought, maybe then I would assume she's right, when I was a teenager. But now I'm a little older with an education, so I know that her say isn't 100% In this case, you have a blacked out vehicle, so, you need to ask a few questions. 1) What time of day was it? 2) Was it dark or bright outside? 3) How far was it from the mothers POV? 4) How long was the owner away from the vehicle when this happen? To be honest, everything happens for a reason, and judging by the owners response on youtube, he may be at fault for this. Seems a little flashy, young, immature, maybe even in the "cool crowd" and has made some enemies at school. Of course thats just my opinion, going off of his video that he put up, in regards to the fight, flaunting he may have sexed their women, and that there was SIX mexicans and it was only a 1v1. Plus he dropped the N word, all of these little things have opened a lot of possibilities to explain the lost of his vehicle. Just saying, the owner should not jump to calling names, and jumping to conclusions or assumptions. I wish him the best of luck, my advice, just be careful about every decision you make bro. And not every black person is a Nige* i agree with you totally man. and we already talked to the police and i appreciate your respectable attitude but no im not flashy or immature but in middle school i was a little cocky and the "in" crowd. it was my fault for losing my car which is why im more pissed at myself than anyone. i didnt really come here to ask you guys to help me find my car i just wanted to let people know my car got stolen and that im not building a system for now. Word, well now, you have even more time to think about your system and to learn more info
  6. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    So if YOUR mom witnessed someone stealing your car, you would like for her to let you to continue taking a poop? Every child knows their mothers distressed voice.. Check the line. And you wouldn't believe your mom anyways from what you said before. lol. I guess I wouldn't believe her if she could have a stake in the value of your car... I don't think your getting what I'm saying. Ok, if your mom had a split second to call out before the thief takes off, A) Wouldn't you get off the toilet to see instead of not believing her? B) In that split second, in a vehicle that is BLACKED OUT, how can she tell he was black?
  7. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    So if YOUR mom witnessed someone stealing your car, you would like for her to let you to continue taking a poop? Every child knows their mothers distressed voice..
  8. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    So tell us what happen? Your mom saw a black guy and did nothing about it? And are you sure he was black? You said yourself that your car was blacked out right? So the only way she could tell what race he was is if she saw him breaking in, if thats the case, why didn't she do anything to stop it? If he was covering his face or something, then that again begs the question, how do YOU know he was black? If somebody stole your car and your mom said she saw a black guy...then chances are that you're gonna side with your mom? I mean yeah, you can't believe everything you hear but we're talking about his mom. My statement has nothing to do with who you decide to side with or not. But, if your trying to solve a problem, any problem, you need to look at things at all angles, not just what you believer or what someone else believes. Sure, if my mom said he was black, then at first thought, maybe then I would assume she's right, when I was a teenager. But now I'm a little older with an education, so I know that her say isn't 100% In this case, you have a blacked out vehicle, so, you need to ask a few questions. 1) What time of day was it? 2) Was it dark or bright outside? 3) How far was it from the mothers POV? 4) How long was the owner away from the vehicle when this happen? To be honest, everything happens for a reason, and judging by the owners response on youtube, he may be at fault for this. Seems a little flashy, young, immature, maybe even in the "cool crowd" and has made some enemies at school. Of course thats just my opinion, going off of his video that he put up, in regards to the fight, flaunting he may have sexed their women, and that there was SIX mexicans and it was only a 1v1. Plus he dropped the N word, all of these little things have opened a lot of possibilities to explain the lost of his vehicle. Just saying, the owner should not jump to calling names, and jumping to conclusions or assumptions. I wish him the best of luck, my advice, just be careful about every decision you make bro. And not every black person is a Nige*
  9. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    So tell us what happen? Your mom saw a black guy and did nothing about it? And are you sure he was black? You said yourself that your car was blacked out right? So the only way she could tell what race he was is if she saw him breaking in, if thats the case, why didn't she do anything to stop it? If he was covering his face or something, then that again begs the question, how do YOU know he was black?
  10. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    Great way to try and get help from the community. Yeah, real smart. I wouldn't tell if I saw it just because of that.
  11. Sencheezy

    So my car got stolen..

    Yo is up wid da N word? How do you know their black? Did you see a black person take it? Or did one of your friends say it? Was it night or day outside when it happen?
  12. Sencheezy

    Wiring a Quad voice coil sub?

    What equipment are you using?
  13. Sencheezy

    Whats the significance of my error?

    <------- This guy needs pretty pictures I never grabbed those novels in grade school, only captain underpants
  14. Sencheezy

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    So what DID he say?? Everybody keeps asking??? Lol That suede looks really nice, and that amp looks like a boat! lol Very nice More pics Please
  15. Win your using a D-Block, you never go from the same size to the same size, or go from the same size to a bigger size. Example, if you were to use 4 gauge before the D-Block, then you would have to use anything smaller than 4 gauge after the D-Block. So lets say you wanted to power two amps for yous mids/highs, and they take 4 gauge wiring. You would use 2 gauge, 1 gauge, or 1/0 gauge etc etc... I hope this makes sense.
  16. Sencheezy

    Do Sundown Amps take up alot of power?

    A lot of good info in this one I think all of this good info should be placed all in one thread...
  17. Sencheezy

    SAE-500D Prototype More Information

    Very nice!
  18. Sencheezy

    IB build

    Pics of the room?
  19. Girlfriend, Work, School. Just a few things that I am very proud to have and to be thankful for.

  20. Sencheezy

    What Do You Think?

    If it works when it gets back, which most likely will, then why are you still complaining about it? I don't get it, do you just want the company to admit it was their fault, just to make you feel better? Sounds a bit immature to me IMHO. You know how win you get into arguements with your gf, and you know shes wrong, but she won't admit, so you continue to push her and push her to try and get her to admint she was wrong, just to make you feel better, even when you already know the answer. Thats not mature at all, and is the act of selfishness. So the point I'm tryna make here, is don't bash a company just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for, just be happy that you have a fine piece of an equipment that works. If you want to look at it another way, they could have charge you more money just to repair it, plus shipping. Now, which method would you have prefer?
  21. Sencheezy

    Got kicked out of smd :,(

    Now, if you would be so kind to tell us why didn't the mod like the comment? Was it against the rules? Is it a forum moderated on personal emotions? I too double this ^^^^ Please inform us Kirill
  22. Sencheezy

    Look at what I found!

    I had 4 Sa-10's, I'm looking forward to the LOWS. So one 18 will be louder than 4 10's? Never said that haha. But the way its going to be installed it should be. And I may just Have to do another hmmmm, maybe worth the investment
  23. Sencheezy

    Look at what I found!

    I had 4 Sa-10's, I'm looking forward to the LOWS. So one 18 will be louder than 4 10's?
  24. Sencheezy

    Look at what I found!

    wow, that looks soo sexy. Have fun!! What are you updgrading from?
  25. For every uphill, there's a downhill. That's, how I view life.
