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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    The website is down?

    LOL, so when I google it, it works just fine as well, so my conclusion is that bing just brings up a different link for some reason? For w/e reason, it the "utn" at the end at the url that is giving me the 404, because when I take it off, it will redirect me to "https://ssl.perfora.net/ficaraudio.com/sess/utn;jsessionid=154e45bbdc3129b/shopdata/indexshopscrip"
  2. Sencheezy

    The website is down?

    LOL, so when I google it, it works just fine as well, so my conclusion is that bing just brings up a different link for some reason?
  3. Sencheezy

    The website is down?

    I guess it was just my browser, sorry about the post. It works now. Note* It worked once I typed in "ficaraudio.com" But, when I binged it, and clicked on the first link, then I got the 404. When I typed "ficaraduio.com" it brought me to "https://ssl.perfora.net/ficaraudio.com/sess/utn;jsessionid=154e45bbdc3129b/shopdata/index.shopscript" And when I click on the bing link, it brings me to "https://ssl.perfora.net/ficaraudio.com/utn" so IDK whats the difference, but as long as it works!
  4. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    Ok cool.
  5. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    What an amazing share, I will definately be looking into this at a later date. @Shizz could you list your equipment that Talley up to 1400$ for us, for sharing purposes. Unless you'd rather not I'm pretty sure we could understand why you wouldn't want to, but to give every body else an idea, maybe even teach us a few things about how to secure a vehicle properly. Thanks for the vid also!
  6. Sencheezy

    Team Fi audio?

    I would love for this to happen!!
  7. Devil on my shoulder, the lord as my witness

    So on my Libra scale, I'm weighing sins and forgiveness

  8. Sencheezy

    Random YouTubes

  9. Sencheezy

    sub and port position

    Could list the different positions that you tried with a little description about the differences? I think it may help others with the same question.
  10. Sencheezy

    sub and port position

    How do you know Young? Just curious as well.
  11. Sencheezy


    Don't do Best Buy, maybe for listening purposes only, but, IMO, I wouldn't go there. I'm not a fan of the 200% markup prices, although you may find a deal sometimes, or if you want the product right there.
  12. Sencheezy


    I accidentally stole those 150$ bose before, and, they aren't' worth it at all. cheap plastic and avg. sound quality IMHO. The Seinheiser 550 and up are really nice though
  13. Sencheezy


    Astro A40's would get my vote!
  14. Hmmm... I will have to take your word since I don't know the history.
  15. Here is a song that I have came across today that really has me feeling pretty good about music at the moment. I am most pleased with the type of hard work and skill that has to be put together in order to accomplish such talent. Even if you don't like either music genre's, it is still music that has to be composed together well enough to create good music. Please, do watch, if you already have, then watch it again and appreciate the music one more time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isOBghMbOVk Also, please let me know what you think. (I know I accidentally misspelled genre's in the title, please edit if possible, thanks!)
  16. Well indeed, that version of dubstep is very different to what I'm use to hearing. And naturally, I like the newer version since that is what I'm use to listening to. Those two songs are too slow, and depressing kinda...IDK. But thanks for sharing, at least now I know what old dubstep use to sound like.
  17. Do you mind posting some of this pre-mainstream dubstep for us that don't know.
  18. Is that flower that grew out of concrete.

  19. Sencheezy

    Random YouTubes

    I know its not youtube, but look at what I found today http://www.worldstaruncut.com/uncut/36531
  20. I just think it was nicely blended mix that I've never heard before.
  21. I LOVE random deposits into my checking account from unknown sources <3

    Thanks and good looking out! Be kind to others and do good deeds and good things are bound to follow.

  22. desirability has consequences

  23. Listening to Alicia Adams snore on the phone while I go to sleep.
