Thanks for showing interest, ummm, well to some it up, the tid bit information that I posted is about three things. The whole vacillation thing that is spreading like wildfire, the government is started or may have already, making it law for your children to get a vaccine(s), not sure which ones exactly, but they are contaminated. There are many research studies that back this up. Second is the whole intelliStreets situation. Basically, like in that movie, I think Resident Evil, where the man has her go look for his daughter, and he was able to hack the government security system and was able to track her last known location by using the cameras installed across the city. Its the same thing here, The new IntelliStreets will allow for all of this to happen, and it will, just a matter of time. The last thing is about how our monetary system is a failure. Its speaks about how we, (US), borrows money from a Private bank at an interest rate where the private bank literally makes money out of thin air. This will soon be the World Bank. There is a TON more information that can be found. My main two sources is just Alex Jones and The Zeitgeist Movement. I HIGHLY recommend watching all of the Zeitgeist movies. They will explain how we, (US), use three or four main tactics to get what we want from other nations. Not exact, but something along these lines: 1st try) Bribe their leader 2nd try) Corrupt the citizens 3rd try) Assassinate leader 4th try) Military Ton of facts and documents to back this up.