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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Please Be Aware People

    Just awareness man, there is nothing we can do but reject. And if they try to say its the law to you or your children, just know that thats unconstitutional. It takes a lot of energy to try to show somebody these kind of things like this because its just not known. It all depends on how you approach a person. Of course if you walk up to your aunt or cousing and be like, "Yo! If your daughter gets that vaccination theres a 80% chance that she will be ill for the next few weeks." lol.
  2. Sencheezy

    Please Be Aware People

    Thanks for showing interest, ummm, well to some it up, the tid bit information that I posted is about three things. The whole vacillation thing that is spreading like wildfire, the government is started or may have already, making it law for your children to get a vaccine(s), not sure which ones exactly, but they are contaminated. There are many research studies that back this up. Second is the whole intelliStreets situation. Basically, like in that movie, I think Resident Evil, where the man has her go look for his daughter, and he was able to hack the government security system and was able to track her last known location by using the cameras installed across the city. Its the same thing here, The new IntelliStreets will allow for all of this to happen, and it will, just a matter of time. The last thing is about how our monetary system is a failure. Its speaks about how we, (US), borrows money from a Private bank at an interest rate where the private bank literally makes money out of thin air. This will soon be the World Bank. There is a TON more information that can be found. My main two sources is just Alex Jones and The Zeitgeist Movement. I HIGHLY recommend watching all of the Zeitgeist movies. They will explain how we, (US), use three or four main tactics to get what we want from other nations. Not exact, but something along these lines: 1st try) Bribe their leader 2nd try) Corrupt the citizens 3rd try) Assassinate leader 4th try) Military Ton of facts and documents to back this up.
  3. Sencheezy

    Please Be Aware People

    What does that man? Please explain. I am interested in how you feel about the situation, honestly.
  4. Sencheezy

    Do I need 2 more 18's?

    do it do it do it *peer pressure
  5. Sencheezy

    XS Power Introduces...

    So Welding cable is still the way to go right? Ok, just making sure.
  6. Sencheezy

    Stetsom 14k2 E Sketchup Model DETAILED

    I would greatly appreciate it! But for now I think Ill keep with Sketchup. I have been thinking I want to re create the RF T15k as well. That one will take a little bit long with more challenges. Should be a fun project! Ill let you guys in on it when I start it. Sounds good man.
  7. Sencheezy

    Stetsom 14k2 E Sketchup Model DETAILED

    Thanks man! Haha yeah, I did the outside of the amp yesterday, then I got a lot of people wanting me to do the guts so I figured I would take a few hours and do the interior. I only had a few pics to work off of (I dont have the real thing lolz) Thank you sir. Im guessing thats an expensive program lol!... It would be nice to have something a little more sophisticated than Sketchup which is kind of limited. Im on Google Sketchup 7 3,500$ but I can get it for you upon request no charge
  8. Sencheezy

    DD 9518Z enclosure ideas

    Just curious, how much you paid? That is a sexy son of a ......
  9. Sencheezy

    Round 2 Team Second Skin - Looking For Members!

    I voted for Stef
  10. People change

    1. mccleery3


      Showing some of that IAK family love bro!! Hype to meet ya and hang out during Slamology ;)

  11. deep down, all grown ups want to find that perfect person that will guarantee them that they will never be lonely again.

  12. Sencheezy

    the car audio experts at best buy

    Well in that case, both parties were laughing at each other and could be viewed as a win-win.
  13. How did I know that C3 > C4?

  14. Damn all these texts don't mean shit if they aint from you.

  15. In the need of a wanted future without the forgotten past...

  16. I hate Love

    But Love love's me

    I hate Love

    But Love love's me

    I hate Love

    But Love love's me

  17. Sencheezy

    MECHMAN T-SHirts!!!

    Extra Medium coming soon?
  18. Sencheezy

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Where are you shoes at!!
  19. I've seen this combo before... Hmmmmm. Ahh yes, here it is
  20. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    Thats what I said?
  21. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    Well I agree, taking proper security measure will slow down any theif, whether they get away with it or not, you as a victim did as much as you can. But, having a 1000$ investment in your vehicle security will have a better chance of keep whats important to you, rather than a stock security. Which is just my opinion and is subjective to each individual. It reminds me when I took a side job trying to sell home security, 1/2 or 3 people will not want it because they believe that their shotgun or dog is all they need. Which will hold up true until their "top flight" security has failed them, and then they regret not upping their security. Or, on the other hand, they will never get robbed, and they will feel that they were right the whole time, and save 100's of dollars avoiding home security cost. So the point I'm trying to make is, its your vehicle, your property, how you secure it is totally up to you. And there is no right or wrong way to go about it.
  22. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    Is that something to be proud of? He's just simply stating that there is no such thing as 100% Full Proof security. And there never will be. At least thats what I think he's saying?
  23. Sencheezy

    Security Film

    I don't believe the film as anything to do with anything else besides the window itself. The level 4 is only 20mil thick.
  24. Sencheezy

    The website is down?

    I was very sad face when I got the 404