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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    DSS Tridents and Twisted Sounds S-10. Road to 166dBs

    lol, just giving you shits, looking good man.
  2. Sencheezy

    Ethos and Trident preorder

    Any preliminary images available for the finalized Trident!? Too much excitement raising.
  3. Sencheezy

    DSS Tridents and Twisted Sounds S-10. Road to 166dBs

  4. Sencheezy

    my DSS ethos

    ha, too far!!!
  5. Sencheezy

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Don't worry, more pre-orders on the way.
  6. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Some pictures over the weekend.
  7. Sencheezy

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Just two different builds completely. I like both I like both . Win. Now we just have to convince Teric to wall his. He NEVER uses his backseats anyways. Payton is walling his off with 6 15" DSS Ethos as well. LOL would be awesome, 4 Walled builds of DSS Ethos in Nashville. :Toast:
  8. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    haha I'll be up there this weekend!
  9. Sencheezy

    my DSS ethos

    Pricing is going up about $15. The dual leads are an option though and is a $20 upgrade.for beast subs it's still a hella of a deal. I will have my pennies saved up for a pair of 15s. After seeing what senchezy has done with his explore and bigjon Lincoln and a few other guys on here DSS is going to blow up big time. And I want to be part of that but in Cali.You will not be disappointed...you already running these new recones:/who me? I'm running stock Ethos sir. ..niceI know I won't be disappointed from seeing your videos sencheezy just making me more motivated can't wait till fall Awesome man. My 6 15s surpassed my goals so far landing me a 161 flat for a 100% music build !!
  10. Sencheezy

    my DSS ethos

    2nd week of October.
  11. Sencheezy

    Ascendant Audio Photos

  12. Sencheezy

    Swift's 2012 F250

    violent **
  13. Sencheezy

    Swift's 2012 F250

    This thing is so vilent in person omg !! I'm telling you man, whether we are hitting the same number at 33hz or not, your shit hurts!! It's like the bass is punching you in the fucking chest!
  14. Sencheezy

    My Taramp HD8000 Review

    Testing over the weekend. Pulling 266 amps of current per amplifier - this was during a demo session full tilt Instant burp pulled 560amp of current before fuse blew Slow roll burp pulled 330 amps of current before fuse blew These numbers are from the MECA show this Sunday in KY. For those not familiar with MECA, we burp by fuses which places us in said class.
  15. Sencheezy

    My Taramp HD8000 Review

    Ok guys, here is MY personal Review of the Taramp HD8000 I personally own Three of them. I purchased two use from DangRebel here, and the third directly from Shizzzon. One of used ones from DangRebel went into protect immediately upon hooking up. And the BNIB from Shizzzon also went into protect while demoing Sunday afternoon while at Slamology. Here is a few pictures of my installation for Reference. On the chargers. So to explain my experience in total. My system consist of One DC Power 240XP, 100ft of 3/0, Ten Batteries. I also should mention I run each amp at 1.5 ohm, the amps are the Two ohm version. Now, the drive down to Indiapolois is about 5 hours long. For the better half of the trip, I would turn the gain up half way, couldn't take much more than that, (pressure wise). So the most my voltage would drop would be .1-.3 Volts. During some testing at the shop, we clamped 3200 watts starting at 2.7 rising to 8.1 pulling a little over 300 amps of current. The first time demoing there that Friday night, I was able to burn up 2 300 amp fuses while playing full tilt after 2 or 3 songs. Replaced the fuses, back up and running. Saturday, I beat ALL DAY. Was still having engine issues. So for 87% of my demos were at battery voltage. Since the engine was off, that also means no rear A/C to cool them, still no issues. Yes, they did get warm. On sunday, got warm enough to not hold your hand longer than 30 seconds. But again, it wasn't THAT hot lol. To describe how the amps are mounted. The rear wall is 3" thick of High Quality MDF. Which an another layer of 3/4" wood mounting plate is attached. Then the steel rack. Then the amps are mounted onto an 3/4" MDF mounting baffle, that is mounted onto the steel amp rack. Shizzzon informed me that there was still too much vibration, and wired too low, which is why the bottom amp failed. I was able to verify that the amps were indeed moving, but from what I could see, it was only becuase the truck itself was moving. Not much else I can do about that. So in sum, these amps, in my opinion, are the better choice for us in every aspect, EXCEPT durability. If you think of where these amps come from and their origin, it makes sense for what I see is their biggest flaw. These amps are MUCH more sensitive than Koreans. The output section especially. We had I believe 3 other Team IAK members whom amps failed as well. One was becuase the wrong gauge was used for the speaker cable. One was for no reason, there's mine, and one other. So, for advice for other users. It is ok to run these amps, they do power, cheap, small, and stupid efficient. To run these long term usage, have these key items. 2-3 Group 31s PER HD8000. Use the appropriate size for the output section. 8 gauge min. Ensure there is NO to VERY min. vibration. And wire to the proper ohm load. I wouldn't even risk burping lower than rated. Do not count on box rise. Please note, that the ENTIRE weekend I beat the living piss out of my system lol. Most people, demo for 20-30 seconds at most per demo. I would play full songs full tilt, had no issues. I played my system for at least 4-10 hours in total over the weekend. The amps gave me no issues until Sunday afternoon. Which was a much hotter day, maybe 5-10 degrees more. There was no smoke, just protect light. Yes there was troublshooting performed. Turn system off, let cool down, unplug everything, let cool down, remove RCA/Speaker cables, etc. Moving forward, I will Continue to run these amps. At four ohms each for now, then at World finals run at 2 ohms.
  16. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Second amp was installed. 161.0 outlaw at 49hz
  17. Sencheezy

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Low end killer
  18. Sencheezy

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Dss ethos
  19. Sencheezy

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Um, shit just got real
  20. Sencheezy

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Well apparently I don't know good songs either as I was 0 for 2 phuck that class lmao. Me and smiley talked about how they should incorporate an spl meter. Maybe do an average of RTA and SPL, or i said how they do in FL, place a meter 6 feet away from your vehicle with highs only.
  21. Sencheezy

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    lol just giving you shit, don't be so sentimental
  22. Sencheezy

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    no, I'm saying why did he play that song lol.
  23. Sencheezy

    Sencheezy's Crystal Clear Sounds

    He's always been good to me man haha
  24. Sencheezy

    Sencheezy's Crystal Clear Sounds

    WATCH IN 1080p Today is the first day I have begun to drive my truck daily once again. It has been a few months since I've driven my truck daily. The engine had blew back in April. Replaced the engine, at slamology, overheating issues still exist. Replaced a few things. Then my front tire fell completely off on the way back home from Slamology. Got that fixed. So I made a short video, of my truck playing some DJSNT tunes. I know it's dark, but just take a second to listen to the volume and clarity! Hope you guys enjoy the video. There is a Triple point event this Sunday here in TN where I will be attending my first MECA show.